Teflon Don. After getting away with murder and is to face trial at the gun court ... they just found out that his file is missing from the FLA. As he said after getting away with murder ... "God is on my side!"
"Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)
Let me see if I understand the happenings in Justice Land AKA Jamaica: Mr. Powell is given a license to possess a firearm by the state. The state requests that he produce said firearm for testing. Mr. Powell refuses, apparently you get to do that in Justice Land. Mysteriously the file from the state's Firearm Licensing Authority which relates to Mr. Powell's firearm goes missing. Apparently these things happen in Justice Land.
It is now time for the conspiracy theorists to stop their yappin. Nothing out of the ordinaray here. Just remember the line in the anthem of Justice Land:
"Justice Truth Be Ours Forever.........
In Justice Land God is good or Satan Strong. Tek your pick.
What took you so long. You're slipping. Like Powell you should thank "God" that you live in Jamaica. Happy trolling in your X6. Mek sure it tinted. LOL.
LOL what did you do time travel to come up with that one? Too bad no one of any semblance of intelligence thinks that. The next time you're in the company of the One Son you should ask him if he agrees with your opinion on that subject. The only people who think that are the one's with bad memories and people like you with no memory at all.