.... A few more evolved people seem to know di deal. No "critical infrastructure" choo-choo tourist trinket trains in sight

We Must Become Producers Of Technology - Wheatley
Published:Monday | August 18, 2014 | 12:00 AM
While the Government has listed ICT as a key component of its Vision 2030 economic development plan, Dr Andrew Wheatley, the opposition spokesperson on ICT, digital society development, science and the environment, believes the administration is yet to grasp the potential impact of the industry globally.
Jamaicans urged to take active part in Science and Technology
“As a Government we know we cannot rely on the traditional ways of doing things. Professor, you spoke about tourism, bauxite and remittances… I think where we are, we have tapped out all three, and now as a people we have to innovate,”
Wheatley told members of the media and other attendees.
He pointed out that there is a general lack of appreciation for the importance of science and technology as a country, but it is something that must be changed.
It takes a TEAM to raise a country

We Must Become Producers Of Technology - Wheatley
Published:Monday | August 18, 2014 | 12:00 AM
While the Government has listed ICT as a key component of its Vision 2030 economic development plan, Dr Andrew Wheatley, the opposition spokesperson on ICT, digital society development, science and the environment, believes the administration is yet to grasp the potential impact of the industry globally.
Jamaicans urged to take active part in Science and Technology
“As a Government we know we cannot rely on the traditional ways of doing things. Professor, you spoke about tourism, bauxite and remittances… I think where we are, we have tapped out all three, and now as a people we have to innovate,”

He pointed out that there is a general lack of appreciation for the importance of science and technology as a country, but it is something that must be changed.

It takes a TEAM to raise a country