Not sure why people (e.g. Johnny
) are still confused about this. Get up to speed with the fact that in the 21st Century functional literacy = Software coding or some tech skillset. Not abilities in butler work, selling trinkets on a tourist train or even passing CXC tests. The key is to start EARLY...not when kids are out of school and drowning in the Jamaican sea of ignorance

‘Who is this Robert Smith?’: A quiet billionaire makes some noise with $20 million gift to the African American museum
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‘Who is this Robert Smith?’: A quiet billionaire makes some noise with $20 million gift to the African American museum
Smith wants computers and software to become for African Americans what the steel mills and auto plants were for a generation of blacks in the early 20th century. Creating jobs in technology, Smith says, is the fastest way to create wealth today.
“This is the first time in history you can create wealth and not have access to capital. You just need intellectual property. A blogger who has a large audience can create wealth by attracting advertisers,” he said. “I am showing the current generations of African Americans they can do it, too. So the next generation can go even higher.”
“This is the first time in history you can create wealth and not have access to capital. You just need intellectual property. A blogger who has a large audience can create wealth by attracting advertisers,” he said. “I am showing the current generations of African Americans they can do it, too. So the next generation can go even higher.”
Any questions????????????
