Zass Crize Karl, yuh really trying to defend the WMD Madness? We all knew it was lie and Powell said as much, that is why he resigned. He should have never given that speech! His body language said it all and in any case, Bush was mix up from 911...everything he did was suspicious. Only the blind could have been fooled.
Indeed, the Bush Cabal announced certain Afghan Pipeline plans BEFORE 9-11, even after the Argentine firm won the bid fair and square. Guess who get the knotrak in the end?
Steeuups....mi nuh inna di revisionist thing that Karl trying to sell.
Indeed, the Bush Cabal announced certain Afghan Pipeline plans BEFORE 9-11, even after the Argentine firm won the bid fair and square. Guess who get the knotrak in the end?
Steeuups....mi nuh inna di revisionist thing that Karl trying to sell.