The DC for $15 campaign said in a statement:
"By fighting for, and winning a $15 minimum wage, 127,000 DC workers are about to receive a pay increase as a direct result of today's historic legislation. We are helping to put more money in the pockets of hard working families so it will be easier to make ends meet in a city as expensive as ours. This means that people who work for low-wage jobs are going to see their pay go up by about $140 a week or $560 a month. This is huge. It will now be a little easier for families to pay rent, put food on the table and care for their children.
"By fighting for, and winning a $15 minimum wage, 127,000 DC workers are about to receive a pay increase as a direct result of today's historic legislation. We are helping to put more money in the pockets of hard working families so it will be easier to make ends meet in a city as expensive as ours. This means that people who work for low-wage jobs are going to see their pay go up by about $140 a week or $560 a month. This is huge. It will now be a little easier for families to pay rent, put food on the table and care for their children.