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On the subject of the flag and international laws

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  • On the subject of the flag and international laws


    Again I asked about the protocol. At least someone can give good answer.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

  • #2
    Sass, it's not a good answer. I don't why jakans don't leave this thing alone, if not the US will have to make her pay. Marlene clearly tried to toy and provoke the US and she is not a lone wolf.

    Okay, let's see what this guy is saying.

    "Let’s now look briefly at the status of supremacy of the United States Constitution. The fundamental norm/order. In terms of constitutional sources of authority, Article VI of the United States Constitution clearly states that the “Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.” What a profound explanation.

    So what about our Constitution in Jamaica? Is it not to be respected? That’s a question we need to ponder in our minds when deciding whether or not Attorney General Marlene Malahoo Forte did anything wrong and needs to apologise".

    "Our Constitution"? Ignorance abound here. Firstly he conveniently left out where the US constitution says the Supreme court is the highest court of the land; which is to interpret the constitution. All other courts are inferior to the supreme court. The supreme court is in Wash. D.C in the USA.

    Let's now look at Ja's constitution. Which court is the highest court to interpret Ja's laws and where is it located? Laws and constitutions are at times coded and certain things are meant to be teased out of it. If you copy from the owner, you are ignorant to truths hidden there. I'm tired of seeing the ignorance being spread around on the net. I'm just a lay person, all I do is read and comprehend. What is the big deal here? Take it to the privy council and see what they say. Some would be shocked at the response.

    It's a reason why the highest court for Ja is the privy council.This case is one of them.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jawge View Post
      Sass, it's not a good answer. I don't why jakans don't leave this thing alone, if not the US will have to make her pay. Marlene clearly tried to toy and provoke the US and she is not a lone wolf.

      Okay, let's see what this guy is saying.

      "Let’s now look briefly at the status of supremacy of the United States Constitution. The fundamental norm/order. In terms of constitutional sources of authority, Article VI of the United States Constitution clearly states that the “Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.” What a profound explanation.

      So what about our Constitution in Jamaica? Is it not to be respected? That’s a question we need to ponder in our minds when deciding whether or not Attorney General Marlene Malahoo Forte did anything wrong and needs to apologise".

      "Our Constitution"? Ignorance abound here. Firstly he conveniently left out where the US constitution says the Supreme court is the highest court of the land; which is to interpret the constitution. All other courts are inferior to the supreme court. The supreme court is in Wash. D.C in the USA.

      Let's now look at Ja's constitution. Which court is the highest court to interpret Ja's laws and where is it located? Laws and constitutions are at times coded and certain things are meant to be teased out of it. If you copy from the owner, you are ignorant to truths hidden there. I'm tired of seeing the ignorance being spread around on the net. I'm just a lay person, all I do is read and comprehend. What is the big deal here? Take it to the privy council and see what they say. Some would be shocked at the response.

      It's a reason why the highest court for Ja is the privy council.This case is one of them.
      Ironic. The highest court, the Privy Council. Located in a country that doesn't even have a written constitution. Laughable, how we have been bamboozled by the British.


      • #4
        It is rather amazing how lay persons can form an opinion on legal matters contradictory to the one expressed by someone with legal authority.
        It was a tailored response,lowering the US flag to half..should have sufficed ,the talkative members from the other party(the so called gatekeepers)did not put their best foot forward in their penchant for scoring political points.


        • #5
          Point out the opinions in my post. Thanks.


          • #6
            Well she was earlier chastised for voicing her opinion,and if memory serves me correct,your initial response was in the same vein.
            See Jawge,we are not privy to the goings on regarding deplomatic relations between both nations,but even so,one has to wonder why the need to emphasize the USA not to break our laws,and then the response was what law was broken,and not that they would never violate local laws.
            Why would the Vienna Convention thingy be so detailed(court of arm and US flag),well the answer is there should be no disputing the display of those things,it stands to reasons that there are other things that can be questioned.
            The labourwrong dem here threw her under the bus,much the same way socialist without a cause or party did.
            Would you agree emerging info ..requires that you take a second look at your prior position?

            They got the message, and that was the intent of our gatekeeper,it was a mere proxy.


            • #7
              Much truth,but why the vitriol when our AG exerts what ever rights remaining?


              • #8
                Obtw,we have heard from all the big talkers(ALL the cockroaches. .) ,the only worthwhile contribution came from the final year law student.


                • #9
                  In short; you cannot find any opinions only the facts that confronts you.


                  • #10
                    It seems you take pleasure to preach from a pulpit built from the timbers of ignorance. Your final year law student and Marlene used faulty logic.

                    Did you notice that I didn't even bother to address the flag issue (from hoisting to lowering or half mast)? Why? Inductive argument. This is where one deals with the base case of an argument. If the base case is false or riddled with inconsistencies then all that follows carry the same result. It's also use to prove some mathematical concepts at times.

                    What's the base argument of your "two"? "our laws and Ja's constitution"
                    Are they at liberty to interpret Ja's laws to its fullest? No. There is no further reason to speak. Your weakness here is that you seem to hold on to what you learn in Sunday school. This is faith based reasoning. You seem to think that because one is a final year law student and the other is an AG; their reasoning is above question. You take their word by faith. It also fits nicely in your opinion of taking on the US.

                    Have you ever thought that the US is well versed in the laws that run Ja. and other laws of nations on this planet? You live in the empire yet not know the empire. All these tertiary institutions with research facilities and think tanks. How else the US could maintain super power status? By sitting and twiddling their thumbs? You must now climb down from that pulpit or tree of ignorance.


                    • #11
                      Facts that confront me,now why would I do such a thing?
                      I NEVER search the archives because memory usually serves me well,but then we can cut out the chase if you simply answer this question,initially,did you voice an opinion on the matter and was that opinion one of disapproval to what she did?
                      Please do not force me to dig up de archives, I am still confident about a man's words being his bond.

