<“So instead of using all this money plus well over US$100 million for land acquisition to build a toll road to Morant Bay (totalling over US$500 million), which we could never justify economically, we decided to split up these funds as follows:
• Harbour View to Yallahs — US$110m
• Yallahs to Port Antonio via Morant Bay – US$74m
• Morant Bay to Cedar Valley – US$1m
• May Pen to Williamsfield (toll road) – US$188m
“All this for a total of US$384 million instead of what was originally proposed, and with the high traffic segment from May Pen to Williamsfield tolled to help service the loan. That’s a classic difference between the businesslike managerial, value-for-money approach of the JLP Government compared with the previous Government.>
Be guided and sin no more...
• Harbour View to Yallahs — US$110m
• Yallahs to Port Antonio via Morant Bay – US$74m
• Morant Bay to Cedar Valley – US$1m
• May Pen to Williamsfield (toll road) – US$188m
“All this for a total of US$384 million instead of what was originally proposed, and with the high traffic segment from May Pen to Williamsfield tolled to help service the loan. That’s a classic difference between the businesslike managerial, value-for-money approach of the JLP Government compared with the previous Government.>
Be guided and sin no more...