He said the same crap he said in the primaries and it carried him to win the repug primaries,he said it after the massacre in Florida and its costing him votes.(Ban all Muslims,with a I told you so,self pat on the back).He had to insinuate that POTUS was complicit in some way with the attack.
This must be going into the third week Trump is looking and feeling like a fool.He expected all that fear to run to his campaign and spur some life into his disastrous two weeks.
Again he miscalculated if he did at all. Its as if this idiot really believes that campaigning against 20 subtle repug racist candidates for president, is the same as the general where all it took to win,was to be the most blatant unapologetic racist,misogynist,xenophobe ,bigot.A role he was comfortable with because all it meant was being himself.How could he lose ?
Its obvious to me that repugs who are in close races ,or races that need the progressive vote,will openly and violently reject Chump as the election draws near,more so after it.
The move, while cynical, makes sense. If Republicans can trick people into thinking this was some kind of generic Islamic assault on the West, then they can run the terrorists-are-coming-for-you script that has worked so well for them politically in the past. But to admit that it might have been Omar Mateen’s anti-gay beliefs that motivated this this is political poison.
This must be going into the third week Trump is looking and feeling like a fool.He expected all that fear to run to his campaign and spur some life into his disastrous two weeks.
Again he miscalculated if he did at all. Its as if this idiot really believes that campaigning against 20 subtle repug racist candidates for president, is the same as the general where all it took to win,was to be the most blatant unapologetic racist,misogynist,xenophobe ,bigot.A role he was comfortable with because all it meant was being himself.How could he lose ?
Its obvious to me that repugs who are in close races ,or races that need the progressive vote,will openly and violently reject Chump as the election draws near,more so after it.
The move, while cynical, makes sense. If Republicans can trick people into thinking this was some kind of generic Islamic assault on the West, then they can run the terrorists-are-coming-for-you script that has worked so well for them politically in the past. But to admit that it might have been Omar Mateen’s anti-gay beliefs that motivated this this is political poison.