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Tweeting is dangerous - US JA fight

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  • #16

    This was the order of the White house. There are sometimes some insensitivity towards friend and sometimes forcing an agenda, something that we all talk about sometime on this page. No protocol is important.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #17
      I couldn't agree more. She is an arrogant, loud, dunce!



      • #18
        Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
        I couldn't agree more. She is an arrogant, loud, dunce!
        She sure sounds like one.


        • #19
          Did they fly this flag in any other embassy or public buildings in the US? If not, why single out Jamaica?

          I dont agree to start a cass cass, but the US embassy people were not being very "diplomatic" either. Sorry.

          Besides, did they fly a "black people flag, say a Bob Marley Ites/green/red" flag when the breddah kill off all those black people in the Curch in South Carolina? Steeeuuups.

          All sides need to learn sensitivity.


          • #20
            America have strength fi fight over this but cant face the obvious??

            What the razz are disturbed people doing with machine guns??? In this case the shooter is allegedly gay as well. But what does that matter is PEOPLE whey dead...their personal bizniz does not matter one iota. This is not a gay rights issue, it is mass murder.

            Everything but face up to that simple truth.


            • #21
              Yes they said they are flying it at numerous embassies. Not all I am sure
              Last edited by Islandman; June 15, 2016, 06:06 AM.
              "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


              • #22
                Willi, I'm disappointed seeing this from you. Really? A Bob Marley flag for the Charleston victims?! Maybe a Black Panther flag! Yes, that could work!

                So what should they fly for the Sandy Hook kids? Ahmm...a Toys R Us flag? How about the movie cinema victims? A Hollywood flag or parade around the MGM lion?

                I hate picking up for the US government because lord knows they have done many wrongs with black people but let's not get crazy.

                Yes, we all could exercise some sensitivity.

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #23
                  ...a Toys R Us flag?
                  "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                  • #24
                    Why should they fly any additional 'Flag' ?

                    Dem nuh lowah di Babylon Flag as a sign ahready ?

                    But a bigger question is.. where is X with his 'Agenda' yapping ?


                    • #25
                      This is the is a big part of Obamas agenda and legacy. Nothing special about Jamaica really.

                      From a 2014 article:

                      The American efforts are tailored to local conditions, said Scott Busby, the deputy assistant secretary for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor at the State Department. Ambassadors can decide individually whether to hoist the rainbow flag, as embassies in Tel Aviv, London and Prague have done, or show support in other ways.
                      "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                      • #26
                        Bob Marley is a universal symbol now!

                        Whatever flag you want to pick, none nah fly fi black churchgoers.

                        Dem a children of a lesser god? Der less important than club goes of whatever predilection? Di wirl nuh lebble.

                        I am NOT crazy here...why any more sympathy here than the other occasions.

                        KKK man shooting up a back church (grandparents and kids) to ME is more alarming than a gay on gay mass killing, even if the too is sad and despicable.

                        Mi nah tek back dat chat.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Willi View Post
                          Bob Marley is a universal symbol now!

                          Whatever flag you want to pick, none nah fly fi black churchgoers.

                          Dem a children of a lesser god? Der less important than club goes of whatever predilection? Di wirl nuh lebble.

                          I am NOT crazy here...why any more sympathy here than the other occasions.

                          KKK man shooting up a back church (grandparents and kids) to ME is more alarming than a gay on gay mass killing, even if the too is sad and despicable.

                          Mi nah tek back dat chat.
                          Settle down, Willi! Dag!

                          I've already expressed my concern that it appears these killings may actually bring about a change of heart when it comes to gun control, when the killing of first graders couldn't. (Needless to say, the Charleston killings would never bring about any of that!)

                          I agree, it's a bigger deal to me as well what happened in Charleston and in Newtown with the first graders. (I'm assuming they were innocent and had not started developing racist attitudes.) But give me a symbol for the victims so I can see in my own mind if Obama or the State Department was remiss in their actions.

                          I'd like to think, at the very least, flags, the US flag that is, were flown at half mast for those victims as well.

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #28
                            The half mast flag is and was and will always be sufficient and appropriate.

                            Anything extra is weird.

                            There was no PRIDE in that mindless killing.

                            And for the record, I hold no brief for the bumptious AG who seems to like the sound of her own voice a bit too much.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Willi View Post
                              America have strength fi fight over this but cant face the obvious??

                              What the razz are disturbed people doing with machine guns??? In this case the shooter is allegedly gay as well. But what does that matter is PEOPLE whey dead...their personal bizniz does not matter one iota. This is not a gay rights issue, it is mass murder.

                              Everything but face up to that simple truth.
                              Correct. Her tweet though, only helped to exacerbate the issue and to further the image (however wrong or right) of the "homophobic Jamaican" . The media widely reported the shooting in a "gay" night club... they could have simply said a "night club". However, to understand motive, reason, rationale etc., knowing that it took place in a "gay" night club may be relevant.
                              Peter R


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Assasin View Post

                                This was the order of the White house. There are sometimes some insensitivity towards friend and sometimes forcing an agenda, something that we all talk about sometime on this page. No protocol is important.

                                BLACK LIVES MATTER

