published: Monday | July 9, 2007
The Editor, Sir:
Last Wednesday, during Prime Time News, I observed the various representatives in our two main political parties signing statements as they showed their commitment to a peaceful election.
I was disgusted however by the behaviour of Ms. Rosemarie Shaw and would like to know if she has any idea what it means to have a peaceful election.
A peaceful election should be one in which we as a nation put all our differences aside and meet each other halfway. A pen was offered to this woman and she refused and she had the audacity to stretch across a table, across her opponent, to get another pen. I was appalled as I replayed that scene in my head all evening.
What message is she sending to her supporters? Is she telling them that if someone has criticised their party, he/she should be at odds with them? Is she telling them 'I am upset with Mr. James Robertson and you should be too?' Again I ask, what isshe saying to her supporters?
In her response, she said she was not a hypocrite but that's exactly what her behaviour told Jamaica by her signing a document that indicates her stand for a peaceful election, while displaying such a despicable attitude.
Jamaicans might say that Mr. Robertson is just as bad as they did not hug each other as was requested, but I surely would have been too embarrassed to carry out such a loving gesture to such an impolite woman as one has to be carrying a lot in order to display such an attitude at a meeting of such significance.
I am, etc.,
The Editor, Sir:
Last Wednesday, during Prime Time News, I observed the various representatives in our two main political parties signing statements as they showed their commitment to a peaceful election.
I was disgusted however by the behaviour of Ms. Rosemarie Shaw and would like to know if she has any idea what it means to have a peaceful election.
A peaceful election should be one in which we as a nation put all our differences aside and meet each other halfway. A pen was offered to this woman and she refused and she had the audacity to stretch across a table, across her opponent, to get another pen. I was appalled as I replayed that scene in my head all evening.
What message is she sending to her supporters? Is she telling them that if someone has criticised their party, he/she should be at odds with them? Is she telling them 'I am upset with Mr. James Robertson and you should be too?' Again I ask, what isshe saying to her supporters?
In her response, she said she was not a hypocrite but that's exactly what her behaviour told Jamaica by her signing a document that indicates her stand for a peaceful election, while displaying such a despicable attitude.
Jamaicans might say that Mr. Robertson is just as bad as they did not hug each other as was requested, but I surely would have been too embarrassed to carry out such a loving gesture to such an impolite woman as one has to be carrying a lot in order to display such an attitude at a meeting of such significance.
I am, etc.,