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Will she, or won't she?

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  • Will she, or won't she?

    Will she, or won't she?
    PM widely expected to announce election date todayBY BALFORD HENRY Sunday Observer writer balfordh@jamaicaobserver.com
    Sunday, July 08, 2007

    MANY Jamaicans will, later today, either travel into the St Andrew capital or tune in to their favourite radio and TV stations for the outcome of this evening's People's National Party (PNP) mass rally, where Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller is widely expected to announce the date of the general elections.

    SIMPSON MILLER ... under pressure to announce election date
    Thousands of "comrades" are expected to jam the famous square in Half-Way-Tree, where "uptown" and "downtown" Kingston meet, in what is likely to be a duplicate of the evening of September 22, 2002 when former Prime Minister P J Patterson announced the date for the 2002 general elections from the same location.

    But PNP sources continue to remain tight-lipped about both the announcement and the likely date.

    "I've not asked the prime minister up to now, and she has not indicated any date and I am not speculating," the party's general secretary, Donald Buchanan, told the Sunday Observer last Friday night, as he insisted that only Simpson Miller knows the date.

    Ironically, Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) general secretary Karl Samuda seemed more assured.

    "We suspect very strongly that it will be so," Samuda said in response to the question of whether or not he felt the prime minister would announce the election date tonight.

    "We will be listening for the date, and we will be prepared to set in motion everything that is required for a proper campaign," an upbeat Samuda added.

    But the prime minister has repeatedly told the media that tonight's rally is to introduce her 60 candidates who will contest the election, which is constitutionally due by October.

    "We will be presenting our team to form the next government of Jamaica," Buchanan said.

    Buchanan told journalists at Jamaica House last Monday that there is nothing unusual about the event, because it is the first time the party will be presenting all 60 candidates at the same time.

    The Sunday Observer was told that there are various currents running through the party as to what date to name, and when.

    Simpson Miller's predecessor, P J Patterson had indicated in 2002 that before naming the date it was necessary to ensure that the electoral system is in complete readiness and the security forces are prepared.

    There is no evidence that the readiness of the security forces will be a factor in any way. However, there must be some concern as to how soon Parliament and the Electoral Commission can reach a compromise on the proposed sentences for open balloting to allow the bills to be passed and instituted prior to the election.

    Meanwhile, the JLP, which was last night scheduled to staged a major public meeting in Brown's Town following tours of North and South Trelawny, has postponed its original programme for today - a public meeting originally scheduled for Stony Hill tonight, as well as tours of North-West and East- Central St Catherine by the JLP and Opposition Leader Bruce Golding.

    Instead, the party's full slate of candidates will huddle in a meeting outside of Kingston today.

    "We will be having a meeting of all 60 candidates, plus the councillors, and we will be meeting all day in Ocho Rios," Samuda told the Sunday Observer. "We will go through our manifesto and it will hit the road during the week."

    Today's meeting of the 60 JLP candidates in Ocho Rios will be followed by a press briefing by Golding, and the party leadership.

    With most observers confident that Simpson Miller will announce the date tonight, the issue changes to when Jamaicans will vote.

    If she calls a July general election it would be the second such time in Jamaica's political history. The first being 1959, when the election was held on July 28, giving the PNP its second success at the polls.

    But back then, Jamaica was still a colony of Britain, and August 6th, Jamaica's Independence Day, had not yet emerged. Nor was August 1 - Emancipation Day - yet a public holiday.

    Over the years, governments have appeared unwilling to intrude on the country's annual emancipation/independence celebrations by having elections in late July.

    The most popular month for general elections has been December, with five held so far, followed by February, which has hosted three. Two, including the last general elections, have been held in October, while January, March, April and July have each had one.

    The Representation of the People Act (ROPA) requires that nomination day be five clear days after the announcement, and that the election be held 16-23 days after nominations.

    Political pundits speculate that if the prime minister makes the announcement tonight, she would have up to August 5th. But both August 4th, a Saturday, and the 5th, a Sunday, are out of the question, as would August 1, which is Emancipation Day.

    Yesterday, political analysts speculated that the prime minister would call the election for July 31, given that the ROPA leaves her very few options between that date and August 6.

    However, said one analyst, "who says she has to make the announcement tonight? She has the right to hold out on the election until November".
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    If I were the PM's advisor I would advise - No announcement of an election date!

    I would take my slate around the entire island. ...and, each candidate would be given the chance to speak on economic and other positive activities in their respective constituency.

    Clear engaging of the people on projects and progammes actually planned/actually occuring and others on the drawing board.

    Additionally: There must be an overview linking current & planned economic activity, current and planned security actions and programs and Quality of Life initiatives.

    It is a fact, that the JLP has been running its campaign for a number of years 'playing on the minds of the people' - hey...many here make claims...make these claims with the 'certainty of knowing' when they are patently incorrect...imbedding the thought that i) there has not been any achievement...forget achievements...by this governement and, ii) there has been no improvement in lives over the last 18 years.

    That must be shown the lie it is! Both JLP and PNP must be shown areas where improvement occurred. At the same time an acknowledgement of areas where 'pace of progress' has been lacking must be stated using the method of examples of ongoing corrective measures, 'proposed corrective measures' - plans approved, monies voted, etc.

    No more than 2 weeks before the actual election date must be given.
    Last edited by Karl; July 8, 2007, 11:21 AM.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      If you were the PM's adviser .... God help us.
      "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Karl View Post
        If I were the PM's advisor I would advise - No announcement of an election date!

        I would take my slate around the entire island. ...and, each candidate would be given the chance to speak on economic and other possitive activities in the respect constituency.

        Clear engaging of the people on projects and progammes actually planned/actually occuring and others on the drawing board.

        Additionally: There must be an overview linking current & planned economic activity, current and planned security actions and programs and Quality of Life initiatives.

        It is a fact, that the JLP has been running its campaign for a number of years 'playing on the minds of the people' - hey...many here make claims...make these claims with the 'certainty of knowing' when they are patently incorrect...imbedding the thought that i) there has not been any achievement...forget achievements...by this governement and, ii) there has been no improvement in lives over the last 18 years.

        That must be shown the lie it is! Both JLP and PNP must be shown areas where improvement occurred. At the same time an acknowledgement of areas where 'pace of progress' has been lacking must be stated using the method of examples of ongoing corrective measures, 'proposed corrective measures' - plans approved, monies voted, etc.

        No more than 2 weeks before the actual election date must be given.
        Why are you unable to give the Govt a grade Karl ? All your yammering is for nought unless you are able to give a FINAL GRADE !!

        Why are you unable to do so ?

        I almost feel sorry for you...


        • #5
          Originally posted by Lazie View Post
          If you were the PM's adviser .... God help us.
          The JLP?
          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


          • #6
            Originally posted by Maudib View Post
            Why are you unable to give the Govt a grade Karl ? All your yammering is for nought unless you are able to give a FINAL GRADE !!

            Why are you unable to do so ?

            I almost feel sorry for you...
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #7
              Originally posted by Karl View Post
              That explains why unuh avoiding the issues? Not surprised!
              "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


              • #8
                Why does anybody have to answer any of your questions? When last have you answered one?

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Karl View Post
                  Rhatid !?

                  Mek mi mek use of dis rare occasion !!

                  When did you come to this realization ?

                  After the 1st Term, 2nd Term, 3rd Term or 4th Term ?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Lazie View Post
                    That explains why unuh avoiding the issues? Not surprised!
                    Yuh bline!

                    I have said that over and over...and, I raised R@!@%^$$ particularly on water, sewage, health services, crime issues....and, haphazard development of villages, cities and towns.

                    Yuh ongle read wah yuh waan read!
                    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                      Why does anybody have to answer any of your questions? When last have you answered one?
                      Yuh name Karl ?

                      Tek wheh yuhself.. mi soon get tuh yuh...

