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The thugs in the mirror

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  • The thugs in the mirror

    The thugs in the mirror
    Wignall's WorldMark Wignall
    Sunday, July 08, 2007

    I've often wondered as I stand in front of a looking glass, Alice's or my own, if the me that I stare at as it watches the other me doing so is not something more than just the plainly obvious.

    Even remotely possible, could it be that what is seen as 'reflection' is really the object generating the image, which is the me that I imagine myself to be? I am a fake, I may claim, if I allow myself that trip even though the form, from end to end, implores me to familiarity and convinces me that I am directing the script.

    Inside the unlimited 'confines' of a mirror could lie a parallel world bringing confusion to our deepest desire towards understanding our search for peace, good health, wealth and community. We ask, could civility exist on one side while strife rips apart the other? No, we say, because a self, a village, a nation well-practised in fostering its own degradation, cannot breed anything but the reflection of its nasty self.

    A thing, a form, then a finely defined mass of body, thought and purpose, if intent on creating a personality, then citizens, then towns and cities and a noble dream handed to leaders to guide those very citizens towards the truest goal of 'society' cannot
    reflect itself as a blot, or as a thing misshapen and indelibly bent. Instead it must impel its reflection towards pride and the achievement of greatness.

    If in one definite, infinitesimal moment of time, repeated many times, the ones holding true to building this nation were given sway, would that not suggest that in this most parallel of worlds the manifestation of itself would paint the mirror with an end to the fear and the uncertainties held that thugs are upon us? And if indeed thugs, brigands, highwaymen and angels of light shrouded in the bleak cloak of despair should overcome us and hold us as slaves over too long a time, would we be able to tell our children, then grown and lied to, that our eyes were blinded and we saw it in the mirror as the beginning of our salvation?

    If thugs held sway, how would we know? Would they exist in the reflection or on 'our' side, the one to which we bring claims of reality? And could we know them by their deeds? What is the mark on them that would shine in the mirror and assail our eyes?

    The thugs would walk upright but the soles of their feet would be padded because as they walk by night throughout the villages and the towns and slither through our windows and every crack as we sleep, they desire silence in their lust for our bread, our breath and our being.

    The thugs began as angels in our minds as we gave them the right, implicitly at first, to think for us, to act for us. Then we brought them to the town square and greeted them with our love, our undying trust and a cry on our lips for more of their name.

    So overwhelmed were we that we immersed all of ourselves in what we saw as magic as we slowly lost ourselves. They claimed us and made themselves us as they paraded in our skin and claimed one with us. We gave them the villages, the town square, the city and all of its people and they said, 'All is well. Give us more and we will, we will give you more'.

    We co-opted other cities and we gave it to them. We stole the future of our children, ripped it from their soft, trusting, yielding hands and, along with our patrimony, we gave the lot to the thugs. As if that was not enough to fill the guts of the ravenous beasts, we drew a line around the outermost points of the country and handed it all to them. At that stage the thugs looked on and said, 'The fools desire more.

    Let us take them to the brink of their own demise. Let us loosen a rampage on them. Let us loot now, tonight, tomorrow! Let us face the foolishly innocent, stare them in the face and tear the pockets from their garments, like the docile sheep they are. Now, now, let us salivate in this rampage because we know not how much longer it will be ours to rape'.

    On one side of the mirror, real or reflected, the thugs have sat at tables with men from afar and they have balked at our future as, on our behalf, they have pocketed precious stones. Eight stones are signed to, but 10 are collected. Two are collected and placed in the vaults of the land of the men who travelled from afar. The thugs loot us, they wring the blood from our shrunken arms and suck what little is left from our necks as our hearts are bled dry.

    The thugs place their friends, many of them, in high places, and in a frenzy, they feed like vultures on a human dehydrated of the water of life; fallen but doomed to feel that conquering beak poking into flesh, into the last breath of life. They tear at the flesh relentlessly and still they smile for the lights and the mirror and the reflection and the fools which gave them endless hunger.

    Learned men and women have been used by the thugs to act as ciphers for their misdeeds. They have sat in council, have gazed at the mirror and found us asleep. So they raided, looted and then dressed it up in tinsel and painted words on it to quell our fears.

    Then they spoke the words and we looked at the reflection, then ourselves, and became confounded because the words spun around us and made us dizzy. Light of head, we gave to them the right to convince us why the watchman should watch himself, or herself.

    Thugs, being thugs will always find reason to envy each other. Being thieves and raiders, they cannot help availing themselves of the need to consume each other. Sometimes the raiders gather outside the walls of one citadel and in their confusion they are forced to steal from each other that which was stolen from us. When the very few who are guardians and the representatives of the people's voice discern the padded feet lurking outside the hallways, the thugs claim that they were overseeing the safety of those who were the object of their rampage.

    The guardians become lost in the night, swallowed up by louder voices and the laws shackled by the brigands. A name or a part of it becomes something to see and as it takes on added importance in the reflection, and in the reality, we can see no angel of light, only a thug wrapped in tinsel, a common thief.

    Somewhere in the mirror lies the purpose, the original plan, the blueprint we gave to them when we had seen the first smile and heard their words and felt the tug at our hearts. But we allowed them too much space, gave up too much of our own thinking and in doing so, fed them more than the notion that we were fair game, year after year.

    Towards the mirror we stare and take leave to gaze at the monster we created and the many spawns it bred. Reflection or no, in the space between the two lies a nation on its back, trying not too valiantly to discern the difference as the thugs have their way with us. The raid is on in earnest and no cupboard is being spared. The windows are being torn down as we sleep.

    The door is only a moment away from freeing itself from that last, fateful hinge. The very walls are shaking as the thieves and the pirates, the robbers and the rapists smear our mirrors, blot out the reflection and smash whatever little understanding we had left as to how we had travelled from one certain beginning to a demise too long and too painful.
    In our panic, we want to flee, but... the children, we cannot leave them. Oh no! The savages. They have set upon the children and are devouring them, tearing them from limb to limb, stalling the future we had. Are we doomed! It would be bad if after the looting and the rampage, we would all be dead. But fate, though certain, guarantees to no one paradise at the end.

    When the last page is turned and we look at the mirror, we are doomed to remain, in shame, hungry, unclad and backwards in time as a people.
    Stand at the mirror and ponder on these things. And be afraid of the haunting mirror. Is it the reflection? The reality? A dream? Only those living in the land of the blind will fail to be informed by the mirror.


    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2

    The thugs in the mirror
    Wignall's World

    Mark Wignall
    Sunday, July 08, 2007

    The cults and the Phinnites
    A brief look at the three monotheistic religions - Islam, Christianity and Judaism - will inform you, if you are so inclined, to share my belief that much of what defines these religions is their tendency to be defined by those acting at the extreme ends of the
    respective beliefs.

    Radical Islam is given sway in the newsrooms of the Christians. Zionism maintains its grip on the politically correct conscience of the Middle East supported by evangelicals in the State Department. The fastest growing Christian grouping is the evangelicals who accept word for word the violence in the Hebrew scriptures or Old Testament.

    As for me, I remain convinced that they are all they claim they are not - three cults holding sway over the four corners of the earth. They satisfy a people's hunger to believe in something outside the self, a directing hand. In the need to find this 'thing' they give it names, and links to mortal lineage. Without the mortal links the priests and preachers who invade our minds with their power to intercede, would have no cause, no locus standi.

    The prime minister has unleashed on us her fascination with religious numerology. Fuelled by 'prophet' Phinn, who apparently holds sway over her own mind, she is convinced that 'If Phinn seh so, a so'. Just in case the sevens fail to clash as they similarly failed on the seventh day of the seventh month in the year 1977, this time around, an offshoot of the 'phinnites' are planning a bit of hocus-pocus to stimulate our lighter sides and present us with levity. They may have little connection with Phinn, but their fascination with seven is summed up in their invitation:

    'Subject: Invitation to a PRAYER BREAKFAST at 7:00 am on the 7th day of the week, & the 7th day of the 7th month, of the 7th year of this millennium. 'You are invited to attend a prayer breakfast to dedicate Jamaica & Jamaicans to God, including our children and our families. We shall also pray against the negative influences in our lives and in our society. God promises that what we bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and that we have not because we do not ask, so let's join together in faith because we KNOW that God will hear every prayer.

    'This Saturday is a very unique day whereby the number 7 is repeated 5 times. The number 7 is very special & significant to God, because it implies completion, among many other things, eg, at creation, God rested on the 7th day, and he wants us to dedicate the 7th day of the week to Him too.
    'So please join us, if you are able, for a prayer gathering followed by breakfast.'

    To those who received this invitation in their e-mail inbox, I am urging you to go. Fellowship, even in religious form supported by numerology, must be better and certainly easier than writing a pesky newspaper column. Go and be blessed and tell me about it afterwards.

    Interest in the Anderson polls
    In recent times, many were surprised by poll findings from Don Anderson appearing in the pages of the Observer. A poll done recently showed the PNP holding pretty much the same position it had in the 2002 elections, while his most recent one was indicating an even closer battle.

    Most analysts considered it unwise to call the election for either side based on what was being seen as a statistical dead heat. On the Observer publication of the poll, which he showed the PNP with a four-point lead, I was swamped by questions from my middle-class friends, then surprise of surprises, from persons on the street who recognised me.
    The interaction would go along the following lines: 'So, di PNP a go win again, Mr Wignall.' Not a question. To him it was a statement of fact supported by polls in the Gleaner and now the Observer supporting a PNP win. But he said it in dejection.

    'I believe those pollsters are missing something,' I would say. 'It is still my belief that the JLP will win the next elections. The JLP support is not being captured because the resolve to end the run of the PNP is being taken very serious and not like a game. It is not being expressed strongly.'
    Then the surprise. 'Mr Wignall, yu no know how Jamaican people fool fool. Dem wi vote dem back in because dem nuh have no sense.' I am not saying that the interaction happens that way every time. What I find instructive is, one, the concern, and second, the information that most of the persons asking are tending to non- support of the PNP.

    This ought to be worrying to the comrades, but as long as they
    have persons like Paul Robertson selling them illusions, why worry? Go for it, Paul. Remember that interaction you had with the late Carl Stone after the 1980 elections?

    What did he say to you? Did he make any comment on that Daily News poll which had so shockingly indicated a PNP win? And that after the JLP had demolished the PNP in the biggest election win in our history.

    I am not saying that there will be any landslide this time. But I am not expecting the closeness that others are now seeing. Maybe I need to take the temperature once more.

    Corruption perception very high
    Nothing fuels the suspicion of government like the absence of open government, that thing promised to us in 1989, 1993, and in her March 2006 inaugural speech, the present prime minister promised that the fight against corruption would be one of her major priorities.

    Three companies bid for a contract to build the Yallahs bridge. None of them even pass the tender stage. Rejection all around. Then Pihl and Son secures the contract. The super minister (in every form) in charge is Bobby Pickersgill, Mr Nice Guy with the trusting face.

    I criticise the process. Pickersgill responds and readers are still unconvinced that the matter was above board. No one, certainly not me, is imputing corruption, but if the matter was handled more openly, the questions and the concerns would be much less.

    The finance ministry sells Air Jamaica's Heathrow slot for chump change and the nation is informed via a foreign newspaper. Belatedly the minister responds and yet, the questions continue. Had the PNP stuck to its promise of openness and transparency (remember that dying word), would the suspicions of something more be still there.? A resounding no!

    Blue Cross is 100% Jamaican. Life of Jamaica is about 70% Barbadian-owned. Yet in very recent times the PNP Government saw it fit to take away the Government health contract from Blue Cross and award it to LOJ.

    If the matter was more open and subject to the laws of the land, would we still be questioning the Government? A resounding no! In companies like LOJ there is usually a point man, an agent whose name appears with the client on the application form. Does LOJ have an agent, a point man who will represent the actual person who sold the broad policy to the Government? Under the normal terms of insurance, health, general, life and accident, an agent usually stands to gain a commission on this deal. Who is that person?

    We are not imputing corruption here, but we would like to know if there is such a person and what is his name? Can the finance minister assist us? We have grown used to seeing runaway corruption in Sub-Saharan states and we would be fooling ourselves if we believe that an item like Trafigura was not our own brush with that monster. There it was; the PNP
    Government doing business with an international company on our behalf then simultaneously accepting (as a purely private entity - a political party) over euro300,000 from that company as a 'gift'. In any other self-respecting country the government would have folded after a vote of 'no-confidence' in the House. Not so in Jamaica.

    There is even some evidence that corruption is driving policy formation. Then the policy sucks in more corruption and the cycle repeats itself until we can scarcely discern the policy from the amount generated under the table.

    No single minister in this PNP Government has the cojones to stand up before any platform in this country and declare that the PNP Government, which has been operating since way, way back in 1989 is free of corruption. Indeed, I dare any PNP minister to make such a declaration.
    It is not what the PNP says which will sink it. It is what it is silent about. On to the elections!

    Gaze upon her beauty. She is naive
    Some are born with good looks while others are not so blessed. As a boy I attended an all boys' school and along the way, my young, fickle mind told me that pretty girls didn't have to study too hard because it would always be a cinch for them to find husbands later on in life.

    Those short on beauty had to beat the books. That was how all wayward schoolboys saw it back then. In these times our universities are filled with glamour girls. Women are demanding the whole package, beauty, brains and bravado.

    Sometimes beauty can show its naive side. Like the delicate one taking counsel and support from one who was held in Virginia four years ago for dealing in crack/cocaine. In a deal with the DEA, he sang and escaped a deportation order, even though the foreign authorities have made it known that his presence on their soil is not exactly desired anymore.

    About a month ago, I saw him seated on a platform behind the royal personage. Are they blind? Are they naive? Or is it that they know but really don't give a damn? Maybe if their eyes were open they would know that if it is perfumed, it may not necessarily be a rose, and if it stinks, it need not be asafoetida.

    Some are of the view that it will be soon before he starts cooking rocks in the rural community and bringing his poison to the young people. It must not be made so.

    Gaze upon them. Uneasy and naive. Especially the visually gifted one.

    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      Mark, like all of us sometimes make sense. This is one such time. Yet the human side of Mark with his pre-dispositions and biases show through.

      Take this one item - Mark's informal polling...questioning of...getting feedback from...interacting with the electorate?

      According to Mark everyone...note! ...everyone of the persons he spoke with was anti-PNP...and, Mark would have us believe through previous articles and imputes in this article that he has his nose to the ground - talk tuh nuff-nuff people.

      Now if we believe Mark the election results must be a JLP win by landslide...hey! 'Every person' according to Mark is anti-PNP...but, Mark in this same article says he is not predicting a landslide. The question is: What about the 'every person'?

      ...anyway interesting article. Enjoyed it! ...and, many of the points are bang-on!
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

