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Scaly, evidence of your 21 families that run Jamaica

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Lazie View Post
    Wait, I recall posting some data from the World Bank and the Klan VP on the site stated, "The figures may well be true, but no black dog fi monkey fi me!"

    Now any joka that can say that lacks any objectivity. I can provide data to support my argument, poppyshows round here mek up noise bout CIA and other bull5hit argument.

    Maudib talk about Statistics courses being taught using the Middle Passage. I figured it out. Whats the probability that of a boat load of slaves all the idiots would end up in Jamaica? What unuh ago say when Haiti pass we? Then again, unuh nuh care bout dat!
    Dat one funny no ************************ !!.. probability all the idiots end up in JA...

    LOL !!! Whooeee..

    But seriously.. they were not idiots when they got here.. UWI.. mi a tell yuh... check it out..


    • #32
      Originally posted by Maudib View Post
      one breddah tell mi seh in him Statistics class dem a study Middle Passage..
      Last edited by Bricktop; July 6, 2007, 07:32 PM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Bricktop View Post
        Wait.. yuh tink is joke.. him was lamenting about it last week.. this was in the late 80's... Middle Passage to r@55... all now him nuh unnastand dat..

        ah wondah how dem did work it inna di Comp Sci curriculum ?


        • #34
          Originally posted by Karl View Post
          The last line may still be true...yet there has been some 'correction' in that imbalance.

          ...but, Mosiah: Isn't that article from the 70s or 80s? In any case, date it nuh boss?

          ---- and, for Maudib, Lazie and the anti-PNP faction...'the commanding heights of the economy' was breached by Michael Manley's led PNP and openned to 'the ordinary Jamaican'!

          The ripping asunder of that 'glass ceiling' has created a 'portal' that will never be closed.

          There shall come a day when a flood of the majority class will move into those 'commanding heights' and the majority that occupy 'positions of power'...those who will then be the movers and shakers of the society will reflect the %ages of the racial complexity of the society.


          Aside: An appreciation of the course from which we shall never turn aside or retreat will and must be appreciated!
          Once again Karl you have been exposed to be gullible. I keep telling you that the profundity and the rhetoric of the seventies that you lap up like an intellectually challenged clod, was only for the weak minded and the emotionally fragile that sociopaths love to pray on. YOU are not supposed to believe such rubbish.

          I ask you again:

          HOW DID “ABROGATING EVERY RIGHT THAT THERE IS” ADVANCE THE POOR BLACK PEOPLE OF JAMAICA? Is it just because, in spite of this, a megalomaniacal sociopath said he wanted to advance poor black people and you choose to believe him?

          HOW DID DECIMATING THE ECONOMY ADVANCE THE ECONOMIC WELFARE OF POOR BLACK PEOPLE IN JAMAICA? Is it just because, in spite of this, a megalomaniacal sociopath said he wanted to advance poor black people and you choose to believe him?

          Why won’t you or can’t you think?

          As evidence of your susceptibility to beguilement you need to look no further than this thread. Mo posts some irrelevant emotive unverifiable ‘proof’ (LOL!!) about 21 families, devised by megalomaniacal sociopaths to obscure the real issues with profundity and immediately you start jumping up and down with great indignation writing drivel about 'the commanding heights of the economy' and what megalomaniacal sociopath did to breach it etc. etc. With maniacal zeal, you wax poetically in the bliss of your ignorance about coming days ‘when a flood of the majority class will move into those 'commanding heights' and the majority that occupy 'positions of power' based on the positions on policies of the PNP.

          Yet you do not know, or do not want to know, or could not care less if you did know so blissful is your ignorance, that of the families named by Mo, the Matalons, the Faceys, the Geddes, the DeLissers, the Clarkes and the Kennedys were all in the seventies, when your fanciful revolution was supposed to be taking place, and are now genetically connected to the PNP. Most at some time or another held positions in government and were and are critically involved in shaping policy and have for years been doing back door deals with the PNP for their own ends at the expense of this same majority you keep talking about who until this day remain hopelessly repressed, wretched and poor. Over 100 billion dollars will be paid in interest this financial year alone you moron. Who do you think it is going to be paid to, the majority? “This government has presided over the greatest transfer of resources from the poor to the rich since slavery was abolished.” I fail to see how that fact, (and it is a fact because this government has borrowed more money and collected more taxes than all other governments since independence COMBINED) has achieved the ‘the ripping asunder of that 'glass ceiling' that you foolishly speak of.

          Your heroes continue to hoodwink you Karl. Open your eyes that you might see.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
            "Carl Stone's research coincides with Thomas' argument, emphasising how these families have strengthened their position as the managers of the Jamaican political economy.

            In the transition from a plantation-dominated economy in which there was an ascendant White rural planter class to a more diversified urban-centred economy there has emerged a powerful grouping of urban-based wealthy families mainly of Jewish and Arab ethnic origin...They have penetrated and dominated many areas of the Jamaican economy...Included among these are the following 15 families who are perhaps the most powerful, active, and influential families in the economic and political power domains of the country and they represent an important segment of the effective class leadership among the rich capitalists in Jamaica:

            Powerful Business Families
            Matalon, Ashenheim, Hendrickson, Facey, Mahfood, Issa, Hart, Henriques, Desnoes, Geddes, DeLisser, Clarke, Rousseau, Stewart, Kennedy
            (Stone, 1986, 38-39)"

            - Blood, Bullets & Bodies by Imani Tafari-Ama

            It's not me who is speaking emotionally and in profundities. My word is grounded in fact.

            I'm not just a football and tennis authority.
            You still fail to indicate what your point is.. many economies were/are influenced by the few (is dem have di money.. DUH !).. not many shoot themselves in the foot by crippling the countries economy to the tune of 30% Contraction while trying to 'address' it...

            Eeediats, bumbling, profound eediats with Egos the size of Jamaica use 'dynamite' to 'crash' the glass ceiling destabilizing the foundation of the building....

            Last edited by Muadib; July 6, 2007, 11:18 PM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Karl View Post
              ...but, there was a cartel that kept the major blacks on the outside. It was exercised in subtle and not so subtle ways. In those days through private backroom meetings and greasing of the right palms (...yeah, even using those within the society - private and public - lapdogs/'houseslaves types')/corrupting influences - still with us today given voice in "a who im" and or "out of his place" and or must know im place", lookdown the nose posture.

              ...found right now in, for example, the cartoonist, the JLP and various persons in our society tell PM Portia in subtle and not so subtle ways that she "mus kno har place"...

              ...found right now in, the poor service received from some workers within and without public service bodies - in lock door cannot see Mr. LOck-up behind door So&So...who runs fawning out of his office when as he sees it 'real sumady cum'.

              When the members of 21 families had access to credit on nod, guesture or signature and the majority could not even get to see the loan officers....forget seeing the top managers.

              ...when members of the so-called 'elit classes' could on a nod and a wink receive government contracts and other plums within the society...and, members of the majority class could not...etc, etc.

              Massa wi on a mission!
              Nah change course!

              ...that some subvert the process by engaging in the same samfie practises...tief-in an corruption is fact! ...an di tief an samfie artist...the corrupt and even murders sometimes hide in PNP clothes...but, whether the spoilers are inside or outside - Wi nah change course!
              Why then dimwit Karl did Mr.Clarke a patriarchal member of one of the 21 families named once say that Omar Davis is the 'greatest finance minister Jamaica has ever known'?

              Do you think it was because Omar Davis and by extension the PNP broke up the cartel of which you speak? Of course not you nitwit. It was because Omar Davis and by extension the PNP caused 'the greatest transfer of resources from the poor to the rich ( ah that would be Clarke and his ilk) since slavery was abolished' And they duped weak minded clods like you into allowing them to effect it.

              The PNP is on a mission. But it is to decimate the economy and the people of Jamaica.
              The per capita income of Jamaicans is barely US$4000 A YEAR you nut.
              When compared to those in our region, we are a joke. It never used to be so. Cayman for example used to be a protectorate. Now we need a friggin visa to go there and their per capita gdp is almost 10 times ours. Trinidad and Barbados have left us in the dust. And by the way, a black man can go to the beach in all those countries (Barbados even kicked out Sandals because they didn't want them controlling the beach unlike here where they are allowed to!! so much for your notion of the PNP and the rights of the black man in Jamaica.) and their populations are so highly literate that they have to import unskilled labour from Jamaica.............. where we had Jamal. Karl, you can't be that dumb.

              Suh stay deh boast bout nah change course. You are a moron.
              Last edited by Comment; July 6, 2007, 11:39 PM.


              • #37
                Agree or disagree, why lower yourself to name-calling? Truss mih, you are more credible without it.

                Peter R


                • #38
                  "...the families named by Mo, the Matalons, the Faceys, the Geddes, the DeLissers, the Clarkes and the Kennedys were all in the seventies..."

                  Only 70s?!?! What happened after that?

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Peter R View Post
                    Agree or disagree, why lower yourself to name-calling? Truss mih, you are more credible without it.

                    Yuh have pickney ?


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                      "...the families named by Mo, the Matalons, the Faceys, the Geddes, the DeLissers, the Clarkes and the Kennedys were all in the seventies..."

                      Only 70s?!?! What happened after that?
                      Yuh cyaan read.. when di Omar take over ?

                      Ask Ras Tafari who backed Manley in 1989 and why...

                      Is nuff man Eddie tell if eff off.. nuff 'BIG MAN'....


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Peter R View Post
                        Agree or disagree, why lower yourself to name-calling? Truss mih, you are more credible without it.


                        Think nothing of the name calling. Sticks and stones.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Jawge View Post
                          my two cents: I just came back from
                          JA. I was staying at a hotel and overheard a political argument between employees. One said "yuh tink a juss lock dat hotel juss lock up so? wait till ... win an yuh wi see how fast it open" even dat one cross di road wha dem let off yuh tink if ... so was in power it would still a run" Now they called the owners name for the first hotel. I can tell you that prior to 1972 these peopele could not even own a patty stand on the hip strip in Mobay but such is life. I was amazed that the emplyee was unwittingly agreeing to to the sabotage of the economy. why does it take one party to be in power for you to open an hotel? can these methods be practiced in the states or any developed country? Ja is a plantocracy and it's operating on a slavery menality. It seems that blacks on a whole can't get in the business circle where the real money is made and if they do they are forced out by certain tactics. One they don't own much land (go back to the days of the maroons) hence if their business is in certain area, land owners can degrade it by selling property around it for other usage hence literally slowing and destabilising a growing prospect. It's going to be hard for descendants of slaves to get into the tourism business (because this is a known cash cow). I think a new hope is there for the descendants of slaves because of the info age. The info age is not tied to prime real estate as does tourism hence a sound education system will propel the descendants of slaves to unimaginable heights. Mo and Karl thanks for your input once in a while I get some serious reasoning around here.

                          Jawge you nerd. I really don't understand what your point is, or who you are defending. If all what you write about plantocracy and so on is true, doesn't that pour cold water on the foolish PNP revolution of the 70s arguement.

                          "Ja is a plantocracy and it's operating on a slavery menality. It seems that blacks on a whole can't get in the business circle where the real money is made and if they do they are forced out by certain tactics. "

                          So much for the liberation we have been experiencing these last 18 years.......


                          • #43
                            My point is simple: What Joshua started in the
                            70s wasn't fully completed, hence the descendants of slaves are still at a disadvantage. The prime money earner in Ja is tourism. If you are going to be a major player in tourism, you need real estate. Now who control most real estate? You can build a hotel on land and someone with land around you build a cement factory, and other industrial buildings right next to you. What will happen to your hotel? (whilst this landowner and friends have nice tourist spots with friends and family in another location). Descendants of slaves will find it very hard to penetrate the tourism field based on the above facts. Fortunately the info age is here and the terrian will change. What you must understand is that Joshua tried to redistribute wealth in JA (where the descendants of slaves could have a say in making real money) it worked to a point but was easily and subtely reversed. It's ironic that it's the descendants of slaves that build the culture of reggae and dancehall (the main reason why tourist travel to Ja) coupled with easy going no problem man, yet they cannot gain much from it. As Mo said "how much moving and shaking can waiters and waitresses do?" Have you listened to some of the music that these artists are putting out?Amazing these people are talented. I Wayne missing you like crazy, Mamma and Papa (may favourite). The people know that others are getting the credit while they mash the works.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Jawge View Post
                              My point is simple: What Joshua started in the
                              70s wasn't fully completed, hence the descendants of slaves are still at a disadvantage. The prime money earner in Ja is tourism. If you are going to be a major player in tourism, you need real estate. Now who control most real estate? You can build a hotel on land and someone with land around you build a cement factory, and other industrial buildings right next to you. What will happen to your hotel? (whilst this landowner and friends have nice tourist spots with friends and family in another location). Descendants of slaves will find it very hard to penetrate the tourism field based on the above facts. Fortunately the info age is here and the terrian will change. What you must understand is that Joshua tried to redistribute wealth in JA (where the descendants of slaves could have a say in making real money) it worked to a point but was easily and subtely reversed. It's ironic that it's the descendants of slaves that build the culture of reggae and dancehall (the main reason why tourist travel to Ja) coupled with easy going no problem man, yet they cannot gain much from it. As Mo said "how much moving and shaking can waiters and waitresses do?" Have you listened to some of the music that these artists are putting out?Amazing these people are talented. I Wayne missing you like crazy, Mamma and Papa (may favourite). The people know that others are getting the credit while they mash the works.

                              You ask the question who controls the most real estate. I will answer you. It is a government body called the UDC. What have they done with it. By your own estimation not much. LOL

                              Jawge, you can try to run, but you can't hide. The fact is your heroes are megalomaniacal sociopaths who prey upon your simplemindedness to lie and decieve.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Jawge View Post
                                My point is simple: What Joshua started in the
                                70s wasn't fully completed, hence the descendants of slaves are still at a disadvantage. The prime money earner in Ja is tourism. If you are going to be a major player in tourism, you need real estate. Now who control most real estate? You can build a hotel on land and someone with land around you build a cement factory, and other industrial buildings right next to you. What will happen to your hotel? (whilst this landowner and friends have nice tourist spots with friends and family in another location). Descendants of slaves will find it very hard to penetrate the tourism field based on the above facts. Fortunately the info age is here and the terrian will change. What you must understand is that Joshua tried to redistribute wealth in JA (where the descendants of slaves could have a say in making real money) it worked to a "point but was easily and subtely reversed. It's ironic that it's the descendants of slaves that build the culture of reggae and dancehall (the main reason why tourist travel to Ja) coupled with easy going no problem man, yet they cannot gain much from it. As Mo said "how much moving and shaking can waiters and waitresses do?" Have you listened to some of the music that these artists are putting out?Amazing these people are talented. I Wayne missing you like crazy, Mamma and Papa (may favourite). The people know that others are getting the credit while they mash the works.
                                "Fortunately the info age is here and the terrian will change. What you must understand is that Joshua tried to redistribute wealth in JA (where the descendants of slaves could have a say in making real money) it worked to a point but was easily and subtely reversed."

                                What is subtle about the Government bond scheme crafted by the PNP which ensured the most massive transfer of 'wealth' from the poor to the rich since slavery was abolished ?

                                Yuh call dat subtle ? Motty talk bout it everyday...

                                I amost feel sorry for you comrades.. Manley dead leff unnuh with some memories about a 'revolution' while his party goes about excelling at the very things unnuh apparantly despise...

                                Hoodwinked, bamboozled... again..

                                The illusion shattered... as your 'heroes' are exposed.. now unnuh clinging after Portia who has been there from the beginning, complicit.. born again ?

                                The fall for this set of monkees is going to be great and wi not going sarry fi non a dem...

