Dear Editor,
As perhaps a Norman Manley and Michael Manley supporter, I have watched over the years how the People’s National Party (PNP) has become corrupt, infiltrated by people who have previously maligned the party and “elite activists” sucking the economic lifeblood of our people.
The PNP government had become a tax and spend liberal for several years now.
In older days people, especially professionals were drawn to the party to serve, to love and cherish nationalism and to be true comrades.
The last 25 years has seen the party been hijacked by lawyers and other professionals with no national mantra, no intention of serving the masses but a purpose for greed and self enriching. It is no wonder the Portia Simpson Miller regime has seen the highest expenditure on activists masquerading as consultants. ...
Dear Editor,
As perhaps a Norman Manley and Michael Manley supporter, I have watched over the years how the People’s National Party (PNP) has become corrupt, infiltrated by people who have previously maligned the party and “elite activists” sucking the economic lifeblood of our people.
The PNP government had become a tax and spend liberal for several years now.
In older days people, especially professionals were drawn to the party to serve, to love and cherish nationalism and to be true comrades.
The last 25 years has seen the party been hijacked by lawyers and other professionals with no national mantra, no intention of serving the masses but a purpose for greed and self enriching. It is no wonder the Portia Simpson Miller regime has seen the highest expenditure on activists masquerading as consultants. ...