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If this is true, its a breddah after my own heart...

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  • If this is true, its a breddah after my own heart...


    On November 5, 2015 Tanzania swore into office a new President. Coincidentally he is also a John.

    John Magufuli is doing what has been termed the “Rwandanisation of Tanzania”. If you dont know about what Paul Kagame has done with Rwanda make Google your friend.

    New Tanzania President did this in just 3 Month - AMAZING

    Here are some of the things John Magufuli has done already in LESS THAN A MONTH. Not in 3 or 6 years, one month. He’s shown a clear commitment to walk the talk but not to talk and talk and talk and talk more like we do here:

    1. Soon after his election, Magufuli declared there would be no celebration of Independence Day on 9 December because it would be “shameful” to spend huge sums of money on the celebrations when people were dying of cholera. Instead, the day has been set as a national day of cleanliness, and the money will go toward street¬cleaning services. He has said everybody should pick up their tools and clean their backyards.

    2. After his first official visit to the Muhimbili Hospital, and seeing the horrible state it was in, he ordered over 200 million shillings marked for “parliament parties” be used to pay for beds for people lying on the floor and sharing beds.

    A few days later 300 beds were delivered. He dismissed the governing board and got a new team in place, and within days the broken MRI was fixed. He also pared down his inauguration party from $100,000 to $7,000 and sent the extra money to the hospital.

    3. Three days into his term, Magufuli announced a ban on all foreign travel by government officials. They have been instructed to instead make regular visits to rural areas to learn and help solve problems facing everyday Tanzanians. All tasks that required officials to travel abroad would instead be done by high commissioners and ambassadors who are already in place.

    4. He has restricted all first¬ and business class travel to government officials, except the president, vice¬president and prime minister.

    5. There will be no more workshops and seminars in expensive hotels when there are so many ministry board rooms available.

    6. He suspended the Tanzania Revenue Authority’s chief and other officials pending investigations after a visit by Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa to the port of Dar es Salaam found 350 containers listed in its books were missing.

    7. When he had to travel 600km to Dodoma, from Dar, to officially open parliament last week, he didn’t order a private jet – instead, he chose to drive.

    8. At the National Assembly in Dodoma last week he clearly sent out the message that it will not be business as usual under his leadership.

    9. He promised to cut public spending, fight corruption and enhance accountability in public service. He said it is time for Tanzanians to walk the talk.

    10. Magufuli reportedly told parliamentary leaders that the people of Tanzania want him to solve their problems and not make speeches.

    How I wish we could learn….By Kwame Gyan
    - See more at: http://www.merih-news.com/2015/12/07....b2145rrx.dpuf

  • #2
    Credible link:

    (CNN)The Tanzanian public has gone wild for its new President John "The Bulldozer" Magufuli.

    After sweeping to victory in October 2015, Magufuli has embarked on a remorseless purge of corruption - an issue that has plagued the East African state.

    In 2014, donors suspended aid to the East African state after senior politicians lifted over $100 million from the central bank. Tanzania languishes in the bottom third of Transparency International's corruption index.

    Shoddy governance partly explains why, despite abundant natural resources and being the second-largest aid recipient in Sub-Saharan Africa, poverty remains endemic in Tanzania, with 70% of the population living on less than $2 a day.

    Revenue collection

    He also said new measures the president implemented sharply increased revenue collection from $400 million to more than $600 million — an increase of over 50 percent.

    “Some of the big officials suspended so far, there are some investigations that are going on in the institutions that they had been leading. They have been suspended to wait for the results when the investigations would be finished. If they are found innocent, then the president will decide,” Msigwa said.

    Hey .. look at the bright side .... at least you're not a Liverpool fan! - Lazie 2/24/10 Paul Marin -19 is one thing, 20 is a whole other matter. It gets even worse if they win the UCL. *groan*. 05/18/2011.MU fans naah cough, but all a unuh a vomit?-Lazie 1/11/2015


    • #3
      It is true. He had better watch his head. So far he is doing great much to the embarrassment of his contemporaries in the region.


      • #4
        He must have From Third World to First on his bedside table !


        • #5
          Did you send a copy to Audley?

