Yuh haffi careful bout anything coming outta Matalon mouth! I know that from personal history. LoL
See the summary of the Capri report here. I have not followed this debate, and it may well be that the greenie proposal is infeasible, but is Matalon talking outta 2 sides of his mouth.
Forgive my Matalon bias...he who feels it knows...
1. Extend the period of validity of the Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC) for taxpayers with a history of compliance. The Blueprint
2. Design and implement a Unified Tax Return (UTR). The Blueprint
3. Permit groups of companies to elect to form GCT Groups for the purpose of filing a single consolidated GCT return. The Blueprint
4. Permit bi-monthly filing for small taxpayers. The Blueprint
5. Double the income tax threshold. CaPRI
6. Reduce the Corporate Income Tax rate from 33 % to 25%. The Matalon Report
7. Eliminate zero-ratings on supplies to the Government. The Blueprint
8. Prepare and present a tax expenditure budget as part of the budgetary process. The Matalon Report
9. Eliminate discretionary waivers. The Matalon Report
this plan only calls for those earning over $5 million to pay tax on their entire income...those earning $1.5 mil - $5 mil pay tax only on income over $557,232...the numbers work...cut CIT to 25%...increase GCT by 1%...double tax threshold...eliminate all waivers...you now have an equitable tax structure...this is not a jlp plan...it is a capri/joseph matalon/nprstc plan
So the fact that his manifesto sucks and not rocks means nothing.The PSOJ has denied it has anything to do with the report that is critical of Holness' tax plans,today it will release one that mirrors that very report.