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Ode to Manley

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  • Ode to Manley

    <The People’s National Party mastered the art of mobilizing in the 70’s. One of Michael Manley’s strengths was his ability to bring people along with him on his ideas. Not just that, Manley was able to mobilize his party, from the highest placed functionary to the least educated grass-roots supporter to buy into what he was selling. Among the leftists leaders who dotted the landscape of the time, from Latin-America , the Caribbean, to the distant shores of Africa ,no Leader was more gifted in mobilizing the masses.
    With soaring rhetoric and his deep baritone delivery Manley ignited the down-trodden masses of Jamaica the Caribbean and around the Globe. Today Jamaicans and parts of the Caribbean still think of Michael Manley as a Messiah who came with a message of Self-reliance and self-determination for the poorer class of people largely people of African Ancestry.

    Manley’s machismo on behalf of the down-trodden should not be consumed without a full understanding of captured homes and properties, their owners having fled out of fear for their lives. Let’s bring some perspective to this charade which has metastasized for too long. Let’s push back against the revisionist historians. Jamaica is enjoying the bitter fruits of Manley’s labour.
    Whatever good was derived from Manley’s tenure must be measured against the negatives which emanated after.
    Open your minds and think.>

    Jamaica would be a better place today if Norman Manley had been happy with 1 son..
