allowed me to vote directly for a P.M , it would be him or Tufton.
Constitutional changes that would get the economy going.
* Electing your P.M directly
* A set election date
* MPS should live in their constituentcy
* Only the people vote can remove a MP or parlimentarian impeachment,not the party exec.
* The OCG with prosecutorial powers.
These speak to our progressive dynamic nature that will release our economic might,it instills confidence in self and leaders.It would kill the party system as we know it,where party comes 1st.
Constitutional changes that would get the economy going.
* Electing your P.M directly
* A set election date
* MPS should live in their constituentcy
* Only the people vote can remove a MP or parlimentarian impeachment,not the party exec.
* The OCG with prosecutorial powers.
These speak to our progressive dynamic nature that will release our economic might,it instills confidence in self and leaders.It would kill the party system as we know it,where party comes 1st.