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Holness fails at history Monday, August 03, 2015

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  • Holness fails at history Monday, August 03, 2015

    Dear Editor,

    I read the leader of Opposition's Emancipation Message and must confess my disappointment. I find it extremely disheartening to learn that one who had at one time served this country as minister of education and later prime minister — albeit briefly — one who at this very moment is asking Jamaicans to consider him as the next prime minister, it would appear, has very little functional knowledge of the country's history.

    Andrew Holness's message attempted to provide a historical framing of his political dissertation only to end up dismally failing the history component. To begin with, Emancipation Day was August 1, 1834 and would have been 181 years ago and not 177 years as he indicated. On August 1, 1834 the Emancipation Proclamation was read that legally ended the system of negro slavery in the British colonies in the West Indies. The proclamation outlined a four-year period of Apprenticeship for the former slaves to their existing sugar estates to expire at midnight on July 31, 1838. During this apprenticeship, the former slaves would be paid for their labour and, in the process, prepared for the world of full freedom.

    Holness then stated in his piece: "Let us recall with respect, pride and veneration, Sam Sharpe, Paul Bogle and George William Gordon, whose struggle, blood, and ultimate sacrifice led to the reading of the Emancipation Proclamation." The problem with his comment is that, while Sam Sharpe was an active participant in the 1831 Christmas Rebellion in the parish of St James, Paul Bogle and George William Gordon would have been 13 or 14 year old in 1834 when the Emancipation Proclamation was read. The history does not place either as active players involved in any type of rebellious activities up to and including the 1834-1838 period of time. Bogle and Gordon would later lead the St Thomas Rebellions of 1865 and then hanged by Governor Eyre for their roles.

    Andrew Holness may be entitled to his own political opinion, but not to his own facts. At the very least, whether he wrote this himself or not, by presenting these as his words he takes responsibility for any inaccuracies.

    Richard Hugh Blackford
    Coral Springs, Florida

    Source: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/lette...story_19221951
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    Hmm....I wonder if Mr Blackford felt any intense disappointment about this more recent incident.

    Simpson Miller, while trumpeting the achievements of her Government, said that Jamaica gained independence 44 years ago - that's 10 years fewer than the actual age.

    Time we stop majoring in the minor, as Willi likes to say. There are serious national issues to discuss and serious problems to solve. Is it too much to ask for a 6 week campaign to focus on those? Its not like the Americans who have almost two years to act out their comedy show before getting serious.
    Last edited by Islandman; February 18, 2016, 05:38 PM.
    "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


    • #3
      I bet he knows how old independent Jamaica is :

      Originally posted by POORTIA
      People's National Party (PNP) President Portia Simpson Miller made a major faux pas while speaking at the launch of her party’s manifesto in Kingston on Tuesday.

      Simpson Miller, while trumpeting the achievements of her Government, said that Jamaica gained independence 44 years ago - that's 10 years fewer than the actual age.

      "After 44 years of independence, the economic plan of the PNP is designed to lift our nation and people from third world to first world status," she said.

      Unmindful of her mistake, Simpson Miller in her presentation in the function, held at the Jamaica Pegasus, said it is not an impossible dream to move Jamaica to first world status.

      Jamaica gained independence on August 6, 1962, nearly 54 years ago.

      Simpson Miller continued: "The 21 main planks of our manifesto, 2016, represent the next phase of our national project of infrastructure and economic expansion and social renewal."

      She said Jamaica’s economic turn-around is a result of deliberate policy action by her Government.


      • #4
        look at karl trolling the internet for stories from August...lol...good cumred...


        • #5
          A "carry the 1" error vs. a total screw up of the facts?!



          • #6
            You mean a basic school mistake vs a high school mistake? Yeah Portia's is more pathetic but still a very minor issue.
            "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


            • #7
              Originally posted by Islandman View Post
              You mean a basic school mistake vs a high school mistake? Yeah Portia's is more pathetic but still a very minor issue.

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #8
                10Q sah!

