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Mixing 'thought processes'? - US Presidential elections &

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  • Mixing 'thought processes'? - US Presidential elections &


    The GP teacher says:

    1. It is interesting to see the competitors for the job as US President 'chat foolishness' in attempts to gain pole position before voting begins.

    - "No to trade deals as they take away our jobs"!
    Clearly false! ...but even my candidate Hillary Clinton now switches sides to pander!

    What say you?

    - Bernie Saunders claims that taxes will not be increased to pay for his 'single payer health care'.

    Clearly false!

    What say you?

    - Claims on 'both sides' that the US is not a great country and not 'the leader' of the world?

    Clearly false!

    What say you?



    Is it true that co-curricular activities are secondary to 'the academic subjects'?
    Or are they both off equal importance?

    Well yuh done kno - I am on of equal importance. In today's world one without the other spells tragedy!

    What say you?

    Gamma please do not answer this last! ...unless you are going to put forward logic thoughts on why your position of 'academics over co-curricular activities' is the sensible path?
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."