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Should Ja model these guys?

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  • Should Ja model these guys?

    These days I really don't know. It's up to the forum to decide.


    Happy New year to all (bar none)

  • #2
    You can't follow what you cannot see, this is from another planet, we are barely keeping standards on our best schools, if not losing ground!


    • #3
      Unnu late...The more evolved started modeling some time ago

      Here're the key takeaways:

      'Creative use of knowledge'
      In the post-war years, Singapore had a low-cost, low-skill labor market, and it was enough for its education system to aim for universal literacy. But starting in the 1970s, Singapore's economic needs shifted. It was quickly moving toward high tech, white collar jobs and the education system needed to keep up. Soon, the aim was for a world-class education for every single child, and that meant moving on from rote learning to encouraging creativity.

      "They had a drilling system when that was the only option -- they had to expand education quickly," said the OECD's education director, Andreas Schleicher. "But as they had achieved this, they were the first to think about, what is it that our children need to be successful ... (in) tomorrow's economy?

      "One thing that's been clear to them is that the world economy no longer rewards people just for what they know. Google knows everything. The world economy rewards people for what they can do with what they know.

      "The emphasis on the application, the creative use of knowledge is very, very strong in Singapore and other Asian countries."
      As we've being both saying & doing:

      1. Rote instruction is a dead paradigm in 21st century education..esp for boys

      2. Kids should be prepared for the 21st century...not the 20th as Jamaica is still doing

      3. Fostering creativity and learning by APPLICATIONS aka DOING is critical to 21st century success

      4. Supplementing backward standardized tests like CXC with INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION (yes FROM as early as HS) is critical to 21st century success.

      5. Forget prioritizing that English grammar school "traditional" model...dem daze deh dun from di 1980s

      6. Develop appropriate STEM APPLICATIONS for learning....Kindergarten - Tertiary to have a chance at 21st century success

      Singapore & LKY seh suh.... It's Quixotic to ignore

      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

