Ole time sitten come back again
JC Resumes Boarding, Now Accepting Applications
Published:Monday | November 23, 2015 | 12:00 AMAndre Poyser
Forty-eight years after it ended boarding to transition to a full day school, Jamaica College (JC) will next year resume its boarding programme.
The Mayer Matalon Dormitory, located on the north-northeastern side of the JC campus, near to College Green Avenue and AISK, will open its doors to students as of March 2016.
JC Principal Ruel Reid said the management of the school took a decision to resume the boarding programme because of the benefits that it holds for student development. It forms part of the school's strategy to enhance the academic performance and the general all-round performance of students.
"The old boys, teachers, and management have seen the benefits of boarding in the past in moulding lives and providing some of our foremost leaders in Jamaica and globally. We will seek to provide a dedicated environment for students to focus on their studies, [for those] who particularly have challenging environments (approximately 10 per cent of population), parents are overseas, and those who live far away from school or are involved in competitive sports and co-curricular activities," he told The Gleaner.

JC Resumes Boarding, Now Accepting Applications
Published:Monday | November 23, 2015 | 12:00 AMAndre Poyser
Forty-eight years after it ended boarding to transition to a full day school, Jamaica College (JC) will next year resume its boarding programme.
The Mayer Matalon Dormitory, located on the north-northeastern side of the JC campus, near to College Green Avenue and AISK, will open its doors to students as of March 2016.
JC Principal Ruel Reid said the management of the school took a decision to resume the boarding programme because of the benefits that it holds for student development. It forms part of the school's strategy to enhance the academic performance and the general all-round performance of students.
"The old boys, teachers, and management have seen the benefits of boarding in the past in moulding lives and providing some of our foremost leaders in Jamaica and globally. We will seek to provide a dedicated environment for students to focus on their studies, [for those] who particularly have challenging environments (approximately 10 per cent of population), parents are overseas, and those who live far away from school or are involved in competitive sports and co-curricular activities," he told The Gleaner.