Hypothetical? At times you use these words to make yourself feel important, isn't it? Mo's argument was direct with no hypothesis. Did HL tell mo that he's
a civil rights leader? At times you guys confuse politics with business. The man is a business man first and foremost (there to make a profit). He can ill afford to ask who attended KKK meeting last night or who thinks black lives matter. His business is to provide a service and make a profit off it.
Now if HL was a civil rights leader or Activist, I would side with mo. Mo is just looking for racial issue at every turn and you are following blindly.
I saw that you took the high road. You have to realize that Mo wanted to hold you hostage on race issue for no reason at all. Personally when I read it; I thought Mo was going crazy. Especially the "race war" sentence. I once considered Mo an intellectual, ah well (Dillon beckons) Yes sir consider it dropped.
Disagree boss.
Maybe I would have been a tad bit more sympathetic but I do agree with Mr.President,and it is a no spin zone.
Captain Burrell being a successful bakery franchise holder trumps everything,we are lucky to have him as the top man of the JFF even though he is lousy at his job,well if we are to follow HL.
The US is a superpower,HL has never been critical of atrocities..
Here is where it gets very complicated,would the undeniable trait rear its ugly head where we least expect it?
No secret where the wealth lies(the caucasian race),HL routinely being overly critical of members of his race is absolving another race of responsibility..
HL,let this not bring about another knee-jerk reaction from you or one of willful ignorance.
Gentlemen,please watch this video before responding.Wat h it in its entirety,it is not one to resist once you start watching.
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
Women with vesicovaginal fistulas, described as a "catastrophic complication of childbirth," [3] were, in the 19th century, social outcasts as no cure was available. The frequently occurring injuries left the women subject to leaking urine and related medical problems. In Montgomery over a period of 4 years, Sims experimented by surgery on 14 enslaved women with fistulas, most of whom he bought and kept on his property for this purpose. Some were operated on up to 30 times.[1]
He named three enslaved women in his records: Anarcha, Betsy, and Lucy. Each suffered from fistula. By working with them, he developed new surgical techniques to repair this condition. He also used them as subjects for medical research.[2] From 1845 to 1849 he experimented on them, operating on Anarcha 30 times. She had "a particularly difficult combination vesicovaginal and rectovaginal fistula", which he struggled to repair.[3]
Although anesthesia had recently become available, Sims did not use any anesthetic during his procedures on Anarcha, Betsy, and Lucy.[2] According to Sim, it was not yet fully accepted into surgical practice.[3] However, ether as anesthesia was available as early as the beginning of the 1840s and Sims did not believe it was necessary for his procedures despite his own memoir stating "Lucy's agony was extreme...she was much prostrated and I thought she was going to die". [4]He did administer opium to the women after their surgery, which was accepted therapeutic practice of the day.[5]
After the extensive experiments and difficulties, Sims finally perfected his technique. He repaired the fistula successfully in Anarcha. His technique using silver-wire sutures led to successful repair of a fistula, and this was reported in 1852.[1] He then "repaired" several other enslaved women.[6] It was only after his success in early experiments on the enslaved women that Sims attempted the procedure on white women with fistulas; he used anesthesia for their surgeries.
Human Experimentation[edit]
Sims has continued to be cited for his groundbreaking work in medical textbooks but, since the late 20th century, historians and ethicists have questioned his practices. His experimental surgeries without anesthesia on enslaved African-American women who could not consent are considered by some to be symbolic of the violent oppression of blacks and vulnerable populations in the United States.[1]
Physician L.L. Wall argues that Sims was operating for therapeutic purposes, with the consent of patients as can be determined, and within acceptable medical practices of his time. He believes Sims cannot be judged only in relation to today's standards. He notes that
"modern critics have discounted the enormous suffering experienced by fistula victims, have ignored the controversies that surrounded the introduction of anaesthesia into surgical practice in the middle of the 19th century, and have consistently misrepresented the historical record in their attacks on Sims."[3]
In order to test a hypothesis about the causes of trismus in infants, Sims performed experiments in which he used a shoemaker's awl to manipulate the skull bones of babies born to enslaved women. - Wikipedia
Some see it as history that we can do without. The professor thinks otherwise. I am in agreement with her.
The apathy continues..
How different are those experiments from the ones carried out by Hitler's scientists,more importantly,what is Wikipedia take on those experiments?
Not even the babies were safe from the racist doctor and his apologists.