Emancipating Bedward From The Madhouse
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Published:Sunday | August 9, 2015
A few years ago, contestants on TVJ's Schools' Challenge Quiz were asked to name a famous prophet from August Town. Their answer was 'Sizzla'. These students should have known Alexander Bedward's story. But, as Peter Tosh sang, "You can't blame the youth."
It's the school system that's to blame. In his song, Tosh mocks the way in which Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, Pirate Hawkins and Pirate Morgan are portrayed in history books as heroes. He emphatically asserts, "All these great man were doing/ Robbing, raping, kidnapping and killing."
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Published:Sunday | August 9, 2015
A few years ago, contestants on TVJ's Schools' Challenge Quiz were asked to name a famous prophet from August Town. Their answer was 'Sizzla'. These students should have known Alexander Bedward's story. But, as Peter Tosh sang, "You can't blame the youth."
It's the school system that's to blame. In his song, Tosh mocks the way in which Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, Pirate Hawkins and Pirate Morgan are portrayed in history books as heroes. He emphatically asserts, "All these great man were doing/ Robbing, raping, kidnapping and killing."