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  • #31
    One may argue there is no 'political leadership' which has become an oxymoron in Jamaica. Haven't all the politicians failed us then? Where are the concerned gifted minority that grow rich daily off the sweat and suffering of others? What have they done lately for Jamaica apart from get richer and blame the government(s) for not giving more? Why more honest Jamaicans don't become a part of the political process in Jamaica - on either side - rather than stay on the sidelines or migrate?
    Why is it in 2007, politicians still think that largesse is the only hope for the people? So we rant daily and get caught up in the politician's game, distracting the people from the real issues of the day while the country suffers. There MUST be another way to do business.
    Here in TT, BILLIONS are spent daily, yet little to show for it....those who have squander, those who don't......


    • #32
      We will never be like the Japanese UNTIL we learn about respect, honour, rule of law and hard work.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Exile View Post
        We will never be like the Japanese UNTIL we learn about respect, honour, rule of law and hard work.
        Ok.. how about like some of our Neighbours ?

        Any one of which are now requiring us to have Visas..

        Was Jamaica always like this ? A paraiah ?

        I think not. I suggest an environment was created which fostered this...

        When thinking people learn to hold those accountable to the blade then we will have change.. when thinking people take up pom-poms and talk about how tings not suh bad or issue statement like 'its the people's fault'.. we will remain lost..


        • #34
          The shower posse did it's fair share to make us into a pariah state. Other present situations not helping either.



          • #35
            Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
            The shower posse did it's fair share to make us into a pariah state. Other present situations not helping either.
            Shower posse ?

            Heh, heh.. What personal Hygiene haffi duh wid dis ?

            That aside... no 'posse' can be held responsible for the National disgrace we now are.. unless yuh mean the 'posse' called Cabinet.

