Essential reading to understanding Babylon The Bandit...curated by D1 
This month's recommendations:
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa - Walter Rodney
---A penetrating analysis of the Rape of Africa by Babylon elements.... Primarily English, French, Belgian, Portuguese and latterly Italian (Ethiopia) criminal governments and private sector pirates & thieves.
This great book is a primer on the devilish techniques used by Babylon to control & rape what they regard as "sub-human" races...Black people being the lowest of the low in their opinion.
A work essential for an understanding of the current backward African nation states whose borders were deliberately drawn by Babylon to accentuate tribal rivalries and ensure generations of strife and division.
Get your kids up to speed with reality by 13-14 y.o.
A People's history of the United States - Howard Zinn
--- Ever wanted a true history of the great USA? Zinn provides that truth.. in spades.
This unique history of the USA is told not from the perspective of the elite or those celebrating Babylon conquest...but from the subjects and victims of that conquest. This refreshing approach illuminates the seamy underside of American success...and debunks the lily white propaganda & outright lies promoted as "history" by Babylon media. This is why you're (more likely than not) completely unaware of this valuable work.
Zinn's scholarship irrefutably establishes the fact that Babylon"s progress is to a huge extent due to genocide, slavery and mass thievery.
Recommended reading for your whole family's elevation out of The Propaganda Matrix

This month's recommendations:
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa - Walter Rodney
---A penetrating analysis of the Rape of Africa by Babylon elements.... Primarily English, French, Belgian, Portuguese and latterly Italian (Ethiopia) criminal governments and private sector pirates & thieves.
This great book is a primer on the devilish techniques used by Babylon to control & rape what they regard as "sub-human" races...Black people being the lowest of the low in their opinion.
A work essential for an understanding of the current backward African nation states whose borders were deliberately drawn by Babylon to accentuate tribal rivalries and ensure generations of strife and division.
Get your kids up to speed with reality by 13-14 y.o.
A People's history of the United States - Howard Zinn
--- Ever wanted a true history of the great USA? Zinn provides that truth.. in spades.
This unique history of the USA is told not from the perspective of the elite or those celebrating Babylon conquest...but from the subjects and victims of that conquest. This refreshing approach illuminates the seamy underside of American success...and debunks the lily white propaganda & outright lies promoted as "history" by Babylon media. This is why you're (more likely than not) completely unaware of this valuable work.
Zinn's scholarship irrefutably establishes the fact that Babylon"s progress is to a huge extent due to genocide, slavery and mass thievery.
Recommended reading for your whole family's elevation out of The Propaganda Matrix

