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That "Fast track"...? A go!

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  • That "Fast track"...? A go!

    Trade Bill Clears Senate, Moves to White House

    Legislation would expand Obama’s trade-negotiating authority; negotiators say it’s crucial to Trans-Pacific Partnership



    Aside: Those who oppose giving the President this authority make claims that previous trade deals caused loss of millions jobs and any future trade and ancillary deals negotiated as a result of this authority shall cause loss of millions of jobs.

    The strange thing is, there are no explanations on how opposition to trade deals add jobs or at worse prevents loss of jobs?

    NAFTA it is claimed created and a growing balance of payments deficit with the countries that are parties to that trade deal. Was there a 'great sucking sound' of jobs flowing to those countries before NAFTA?

    ...was the balance of payments deficit 'going south' before NAFTA?

    What do the figures tell? ...and inclusive of US investments in those countries before and after the NAFTA trade deal(s)?

    it is funny...and I would 'bus hout a laff' if it were not serious...but I remember hearing the wringing of hands and the palpable fear in the voices of the union spokes persons when discussing the increasing inflows of goods against which some important US manufacturers and service industry could not compete on cost and as a result were suffering from a hemorrhaging of jobs?

    Do they think the answer was in sealing the borders to trade? ...or negotiation of most favourable trade deals?

    Thank you!
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