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At 90 Executions This Year, Saudi Arabia Sets a Grisly Record
Saudi Arabia’s most common method of execution is beheading, often conducted in public squares. Occasionally prisoners in some southern provinces are executed by firing squad.
Many defendants in Saudi Arabia, including those sentenced to death, are convicted after flawed court proceedings that routinely fall far short of international standards for a fair trial. They are often convicted solely on the basis of “confessions” obtained under duress, denied legal representation in trials that are sometimes held in secret and are not kept informed of the progress of the legal proceedings in their case.
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How Men in Saudi Arabia Flirt Without Getting Thrown in Jail
Men have developed all kinds of creative strategies for discreetly trying to get a woman's phone number
Social authorities in Saudi Arabia can arrest anyone who talks to a person of the opposite sex who isn’t a family member. So how do men flirt with women in one of the world’s most conservative countries? Men have some pretty ingenious (and often illegal) solutions, I learned in my recent survey of 40 Saudi men.
A man writes his number on a small piece of paper in the hopes that he will walk by a woman in a shopping mall or a park. He winks at her and throws the piece of paper on the floor, hoping the girl collects it when no one is watching.
A quicker approach is the “drive-by method,” where the man shouts a compliment out his car window and then throw his digits onto the street before he peels away.

At 90 Executions This Year, Saudi Arabia Sets a Grisly Record
Saudi Arabia’s most common method of execution is beheading, often conducted in public squares. Occasionally prisoners in some southern provinces are executed by firing squad.
Many defendants in Saudi Arabia, including those sentenced to death, are convicted after flawed court proceedings that routinely fall far short of international standards for a fair trial. They are often convicted solely on the basis of “confessions” obtained under duress, denied legal representation in trials that are sometimes held in secret and are not kept informed of the progress of the legal proceedings in their case.
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How Men in Saudi Arabia Flirt Without Getting Thrown in Jail
Men have developed all kinds of creative strategies for discreetly trying to get a woman's phone number
Social authorities in Saudi Arabia can arrest anyone who talks to a person of the opposite sex who isn’t a family member. So how do men flirt with women in one of the world’s most conservative countries? Men have some pretty ingenious (and often illegal) solutions, I learned in my recent survey of 40 Saudi men.
A man writes his number on a small piece of paper in the hopes that he will walk by a woman in a shopping mall or a park. He winks at her and throws the piece of paper on the floor, hoping the girl collects it when no one is watching.
A quicker approach is the “drive-by method,” where the man shouts a compliment out his car window and then throw his digits onto the street before he peels away.