Release Juveniles On Remand For Smoking A Spliff!
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Published:Wednesday | May 13, 2015Erica Virtue
Ricardo Makyn
WITH LEGISLATION now in place to making it a non-criminal offence for individuals held with two ounces of ganja, the Child Development Agency (CDA) wants cases involving juveniles on remand for smoking a spliff to be revisited.
"I can't tell you how many such cases are there and how many juveniles are involved. But I do know that there are juveniles who are remanded currently for smoking a spliff," said Rosalee Gage-Grey, chief executive officer of the CDA.
Mo yuh think unnuh can handle it , no bottomolgy education involved ?
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Published:Wednesday | May 13, 2015Erica Virtue
Ricardo Makyn
WITH LEGISLATION now in place to making it a non-criminal offence for individuals held with two ounces of ganja, the Child Development Agency (CDA) wants cases involving juveniles on remand for smoking a spliff to be revisited.
"I can't tell you how many such cases are there and how many juveniles are involved. But I do know that there are juveniles who are remanded currently for smoking a spliff," said Rosalee Gage-Grey, chief executive officer of the CDA.
Mo yuh think unnuh can handle it , no bottomolgy education involved ?