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France to cancel Haiti's debt

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  • #31
    Aside from the sarcasm on the Pyramids. Just say I do not know because of the scales to my eyes. If yuh nuh know how fi read di sign board yuh wi lass.

    Go thy way and sin no more:



    3. Images for you

    4. Last but not least. Ah nuh mi ah say it, is yuh master ah say so:


    • #32
      You are a prime example of why those with limited intelligence should be careful as to how they interpret information. Nothing which you state is news to anyone. You were trying to refute the argument for reparations by stating that African enslaved Europeans so they should be also eligible for reparations. Nothing could be further from the truth. Now I understand why you turn a blind eye or try to rationalize the racism in Brazil. A racism which the Brazilians now readily admit and are trying to deal with. Earth to Jawge.
      Understand this: There is no comparison in human history to the 400-500 year trans african slave trade none. Not even the perpetuators of this episode deny this. The Arab invasion of Europe was in no way akin to slavery as experienced in the trans africa slave trade.. Serfs and minorities such as Jews welcomed the muslim invasion as they were treated better by muslims than they were treated by the European ruling class. Extremely ironic. Europeans were not enslaved by Moors form North Africa whether the Moors were dark skinned or not. The transatlantic slave trade was a unique episode in human history. You may have read some history but your understanding is so limited it is embarrassing.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Rudi View Post
        You are a prime example of why those with limited intelligence should be careful as to how they interpret information. Nothing which you state is news to anyone. You were trying to refute the argument for reparations by stating that African enslaved Europeans so they should be also eligible for reparations. Nothing could be further from the truth. Now I understand why you turn a blind eye or try to rationalize the racism in Brazil. A racism which the Brazilians now readily admit and are trying to deal with. Earth to Jawge.
        Understand this: There is no comparison in human history to the 400-500 year trans african slave trade none. Not even the perpetuators of this episode deny this. The Arab invasion of Europe was in no way akin to slavery as experienced in the trans africa slave trade.. Serfs and minorities such as Jews welcomed the muslim invasion as they were treated better by muslims than they were treated by the European ruling class. Extremely ironic. Europeans were not enslaved by Moors form North Africa whether the Moors were dark skinned or not. The transatlantic slave trade was a unique episode in human history. You may have read some history but your understanding is so limited it is embarrassing.

        Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

        D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


        • #34
          Dem say me ruff...lol.

          "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

          "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


          • #35

            "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

            "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


            • #36
              Get it right; I never said Arabs invaded Europe. I said Africa invaded Europe. Brazil? Where in my post did I mention Brazil? Do your research; prior to the Battle of Tours; Europe had to send their women to their African masters.

              Slavery was the order of the day back then. If you lost a battle you (males would be killed) women and children carted off into slavery. I know it's hard for you to see Europe in slavery but yes it did happen.

              "Oh my bad", when it comes on to Europe the African conquerors said "oh you are too cute to be slaves, come sit beside me in my garden". You then dare speak of someone's limited intelligence. Please continue with the folly.

              Quote: "every man thinks his load his the heaviest" (thinks being the key operative here).


              • #37
                You know what? Forget it. Your master could never ever be a slave Here I am making things up to discredit your master. One doesn't even need to be intelligent; just spend some time in the library or use google.

                Yes continue to be a victim and don't do any form of research.
                On Brazil: What if Brazil had control of all the media and technology in 2014, do you think that you would even hear or see the 7 nil from Germany? I guess with your infinite intelligence the above is a walk in the park

                Yes I Ringling Bros. come to town.


                • #38
                  Let me use my limited mind here to Chronicle things.

                  Egypt had slaves

                  Babylon had slaves

                  Greek had slaves

                  Rome had slaves

                  But in say 700 A.D with Africa's invasion of Europe, slavery stopped. Picked up back around the 15th century (with Africans being the slaves). My my Rudi you are a genius I envy you, with your infinite wisdom.


                  • #39
                    You keep making my point for me. A little knowledge of what you call history is a dangerous thing. First the Moors who invaded Europe from Northern Africa were some of them partly Arab. There were both black and white Moors. The blacks of Northern Africa became muslim as a result of Arabian conquest. "Duh". Now to your limited mind's understanding of what constituted slavery. There had always been 'slaves' a result of military conquest. The point which you seem incapable of grasping is that the Trans atlantic slave trade was singularly unique both quantitatively and qualitatively. There had never been anything like it before or subsequent in the history of mankind. This was not the slavery of military conquest this was the requirement of free labour to essentially fund what later would be termed the Industrial Revolution. Europeans are quite aware of this that's why they are scare sh tless of the reparation debate. It is ironic that in your feeble attempt to display historical knowledge you trumpet the same European excuses.
                    Furthermore, the reason Jews were given compensation for the holocost was because it was considered by Europeans to be a unique occurrance in history (getting it now?) where a people were subject to planned extermination. What happened in the slave trade was even more so. Start with Rodney's "How Europe Underdeveloped AFrica" he explains in straightforward terms the difference between what you call slavery and the Trans Atlantic slave trade. He was quite a good writer even those with Limited minds can follow.
                    This is an important topic Jawge try and save the bonehead reasoning for excuses for Sista P or excuses for Brazil racism.


                    • #40
                      My my we have inched away from Nonsense to what uniqueness in history.

                      So because I move my slaves from Europe through north Africa to Sub-Saharan Africa and you moved your via boat to north and South America it's a unique experience for your slaves? Thanks a lot. Fund the industrial revolution? I thought the industrial revolution ended slavery. No? The basis of the industrial revolution lies in a book called the Principia (written By Newton) Please note that the renaissance was sparked by............................. Fill the blanks and help my feeble attempts woieeee Do you have proof that slaves that traveled the Atlantic were not prisoners of war? (please cite the source) They just said "ah I have never seen a ship before give me a ride" (chains and shackles are for our safety due to rough seas).

                      Oh so that's it the jews got reparations from the Germans because never in life has anyone of a certain faith has been exterminated. Wow, "Yuh really ah school mi" Word to the wise; use up google, library and even read your bible.

                      Rodney's book has some very good points (first citation you made since you dared to enter). There are books on how Europe was underdeveloped by Africa and Asia to the point where Europe was cut off in terms of trade. In short an economic embargo. There was famine, starvation and not mention illiteracy that was rampant in Europe. It was the crusades (true intent was to break the embargo) that allowed Europe back into the Levant, then Europe started to flourish once more (see whiteman win so him put it inna book . In short Europe used it's mental capacity to end the economic embargo that existed against it. When did slavery end in this region? Is there any economic embargo on Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean (except Cuba). I guess we are left to play victim and say "is di whiteman". Garvey since the 1920s has been asking; "where is your mind, where is your commerce, where are your cities? Bone head as myself will take Garvey.

                      Sista P? stay focused we are talking about Africa and Europe; which is not new one can go back to the Punic wars (be very careful here).

                      You know what stay a victim and demand your reparations. Never read where Garvey wanted reparations. Garvey believed in self and its power. I think, no I know that Garvey descended from those that built the pyramids.


                      • #41
                        Garvey was railroaded by the powers that be,as such he was aggrieved and ergo entitled to recourse.He never sought any because of his belief that the powers that be will never do the right thing.Not harping on the reparation issues is in no way questioning the validity of the claims but more about a distrust of the powers that be to ever make amendments for the wrongs..
                        Be weary of fallacy Jawge,it seeps into EVERYTHING.


                        • #42
                          Babylon Shitstem is a Vampiya

                          Righteous talk dis

                          Si some LUGE key shot yah:

                          The point which you seem incapable of grasping is that the Trans atlantic slave trade was singularly unique both quantitatively and qualitatively. There had never been anything like it before or subsequent in the history of mankind. This was not the slavery of military conquest this was the requirement of free labour to essentially fund what later would be termed the Industrial Revolution. Europeans are quite aware of this that's why they are scare sh tless of the reparation debate.
                          Start with Rodney's "How Europe Underdeveloped AFrica" he explains in straightforward terms the difference between what you call slavery and the Trans Atlantic slave trade. He was quite a good writer even those with Limited minds can follow.
                          Fi mi limited 13 yr. old mind did absorb Rodney full hundred. From den mi nuh tap bun out Babylon ....Wooooiiieee mi Tims!!!

                          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                          • #43
                            Rocky I have never read where Garvey wanted reparation but declined to ask since the powers that be wouldn't give it. It's safe to conclude that the above is your interpretation. I'm a black man and in no way am I defending chattel slavery as a good thing. What I'm saying (as a student of Garvey) why can't we use our minds. Did you listen to Pres.Obama to the youth at UWI? He said why give money then it ends up in someone's Swiss account (he is speaking off information). To be blunt Obama is saying Ja got lots of monetary aid but it was squandered.

                            Slavery can't be approached as white against black oppression. It may appear that way but some black Africans used and saw slavery as a business back then. In the long run it weakened Africa economically. Thus Europe was able to colonize most of the continent.

                            My argument is that, because the powers that be didn't really publish their history (especially when they were on the low side) it appears that all was fine and dandy for them. My thesis is; this was not the case. They had to struggle and claw their way out.

                            From where I stand, one can go on and ask for reparations. Count me out. The fallacy comes in where one ask for some 30 trillion USD (in reparations) then turns around and say "Look at those pyramids, my descendants who were masters of geometery built it".


                            • #44
                              =Jawge;519956]My my we have inched away from Nonsense to what uniqueness in history.

                              So because I move my slaves from Europe through north Africa to Sub-Saharan Africa and you moved your via boat to north and South America it's a unique experience for your slaves?
                              The European slave system was indeed unique in scale and impact. That's indisputable. I'm surprised a man of your exposure would be unaware

                              Thanks a lot. Fund the industrial revolution? I thought the industrial revolution ended slavery. No? The basis of the industrial revolution lies in a book called the Principia (written By Newton)
                              It is also indisputable that the profits from slavery formed the basis of Europe's Industrial Revolution... This is well researched and irrefutable. Babylon didn't suddenly get brainpower out of thin air.

                              A book cannot be the basis of the Industrial Revolution...this is so off base it aint funny... Superficial Propaganda. The conditions enabled by slave profits were what allowed European thinkers to develop science & methods of mass production... Newton's work from cushy British universities was funded & enabled by what??? It ALL comes down to MONEY... Money & power drives Babylon progress...and they get that BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY..slavery included. Without slavery The West would NOT be in the dominant position it's in today

                              Industrial production is more productive than slave labor...and cannot utilize slaves...so it also spurred the end of slavery. This is one of the supreme ironies of history. Babylon did not have an attack of morality leading to the abolition of slavery...they had an attack of profits. The relationship between Slave Production & Industrial Production is both causal and symbiotic

                              Oh so that's it the jews got reparations from the Germans because never in life has anyone of a certain faith has been exterminated. Wow, "Yuh really ah school mi" Word to the wise; use up google, library and even read your bible

                              Germans paid reparations (and are still paying by subsidizing Israeli Zionism) because they lost the war....and because the Jews they oppressed were white. Americans & Britons try to take care of their white folks.. so Germany had to cough up.

                              Rodney's book has some very good points (first citation you made since you dared to enter). There are books on how Europe was underdeveloped by Africa and Asia to the point where Europe was cut off in terms of trade. In short an economic embargo. There was famine, starvation and not mention illiteracy that was rampant in Europe. It was the crusades (true intent was to break the embargo) that allowed Europe back into the Levant, then Europe started to flourish once more (see whiteman win so him put it inna book . In short Europe used it's mental capacity to end the economic embargo that existed against it. When did slavery end in this region? Is there any economic embargo on Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean (except Cuba). I guess we are left to play victim and say "is di whiteman". Garvey since the 1920s has been asking; "where is your mind, where is your commerce, where are your cities? Bone head as myself will take Garvey.
                              Our only "embargo" is in our minds....But overcoming that is the BIGGEST HURDLE to jump. We refuse to work TOGETHER for our COMMON GOOD. Most of us are into YAPPIN about Babylon NONSENSE on TV and other Babylon Media 24/7. Otherwise it's singin', dancin', playin' ball, sportin & worst of all CONSUMIN' stuff others produce.....i.e. generally following an agenda that keeps us poor and Babylon rich.

                              This is why when there are opportunities to WORK TOGETHER most of us are "too busy now" or "don't have the money now"....but will kill yuh wid yappin & "free advice" about what "should be done"

                              You know what stay a victim and demand your reparations. Never read where Garvey wanted reparations. Garvey believed in self and its power. I think, no I know that Garvey descended from those that built the pyramids.
                              Garvey was into ORGANIZATION-COLLECTIVE SELF HELP-ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT

                              Exactly what our so-called leaders like Sharpton and other false Gods like that are NOT into

                              Between our backward leadership and ignorant people brainwashed by corrosive Babylon influences... we're going nowhere...FAST
                              Last edited by Don1; May 14, 2015, 10:38 AM.

                              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                              • #45
                                Listen I have little time to waste with mere parroting. Slavery formed the basis of the industrial revolution? So what of Greece, Rome, Persia et al didn't they have slaves and colonies? If you can't apply analysis to subject step aside. I have very little patience to hear what was written based on avictim mentality.

                                BTW tell the Russians that Jews are white. You obviously don't know what is going on in the world. Talk to some Jew from Russia.

