the opposition is now being BLAMED for what led to the embarrassment from the Woolmer incident? Who been ruining the country for the past 18 years? The gov't or the opposition? Who been promising a public morgue for the last decade?
David Wong Ken is ****************ed that a commission is now to investigate how the Woolmer case was investigated, but no commission was set up for Janice Allen, Michael Gayle etc. Who ordered the investigation of the investigation? The gov't or the opposition? Bout time people realise that as Jamaicans we have no rights.
People have been electing bafoons since 89, but when dem fock up the easiest thing to do is blame the opposition? A whey dem yah people come from?
David Wong Ken is ****************ed that a commission is now to investigate how the Woolmer case was investigated, but no commission was set up for Janice Allen, Michael Gayle etc. Who ordered the investigation of the investigation? The gov't or the opposition? Bout time people realise that as Jamaicans we have no rights.
People have been electing bafoons since 89, but when dem fock up the easiest thing to do is blame the opposition? A whey dem yah people come from?