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Unnuh see the pictures of the GLENMUIR girls?

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  • #16
    Stay deh tink say is di teacher post di pictures. Pictures like this circulate from time to time. I am willing to bet that teachers have nothing to do with any of them! If yuh go to YouTube now, you might find a few.

    Next ting I gwine hear is that it was the teacher who took the photos and videos too, huh?



    • #17
      You missed my point. Were the pictures on the
      web before they were confiscated by the teacher? Thanks


      • #18
        Don't know. But people don't record these things in order to stash them away for some other civilization to find them 5,000 years from now. I would expect that they were shared with others as soon as they were recorded. The teacher probably got in very late on this entire thing.



        • #19
          Why are you skirting the question?
          Is it that you are saying that everything recorded on digiyal camera was meant to be shared and passed around? Why wasn't these picures rumored in the school? I'm sure the school admin would have caught wind of it. Based on your arguments the police should just hand out copies of the Peter King tapes then (see there is a different standard here). I think there is likeing in Ja for public humiliation (this has its roots in slavery) Case in point: head teacher rips down young girls to normal school size then suspend them. Why touch the girls? Why not suspend them to send the message home? No we love to publicly debase each other.


          • #20
            I directly answered your question, something that is an anathema for some of us round 'ere.

            Dun talk on this. We love to circumlocute these issues to death on this site instead of looking at things practically and logically. At the end of it all, we don't know what exactly happened. I just put forward my theory. I see you and others have contributed a tale.



            • #21
              Jawge whe yuh come from? Yuh tink it's just the one yute had it on his jump drive? I am willing to bet that half the kids in th school were in possession of those photos before the teacher became aware of them. They email it to there friends and the friends email it to everybody on their email list and pretty soon the whole damn world has the pictures.


              • #22
                What an arrogance. I am telling a
                tale but you are putting forward a theory. You speak of logic and I ask why did the pictures surface after they were confiscated. parctically and logically explain the above.


                • #23
                  "I ask why did the pictures surface after they were confiscated." But Jawge, you don't know this!

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #24
                    okay sorry they were circulating,
                    long before this.Many of us should be happy that we went to school in the industrial age and not the info age.


                    • #25
                      I'm not saying they were in circulation long before the teacher came across them, but just think about it for a while - what is more plausible?:
                      1) A teacher finding it and putting it on the internet. Why, what is there to be gained from that?
                      2) Students emailing the pics to friends, something that they have been doing with similar pics from 19howlong.

                      BLACK LIVES MATTER


                      • #26
                        Jawge, I am with you on this one. Based on the article, it seemed the pics were not in the public domain UNTIL after the teacher found them. We don't don't know who did it. There is just too much villification for the young kids. We have had school scandals for years, from first form pregnancies, to sex in classrooms BUT it remained a school scandal at worse. This new approach to information in Jamaica especially with respect to 'schoolers' has gone beyond common decency and thoughtfulness about youthful ignorance.


                        • #27
                          Glenmuir's teachers would do something like that??!! Radcliffe must glad dat dem vote him out of ISSA. Look like him have more problems at the school than he could ever have imagined.

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #28
                            Allow dem to think that students will do something like that and not share it, not just with their classmates, but with students around the country. Easier to blame the teachers and clear the students of all wrongdoing.

                            BLACK LIVES MATTER


                            • #29
                              Thanks boss, I'm glad that you can see the
                              point in the context of the info age. The times are different and information cannot be handled loosely as before. Those that take dissent to my post will come to understanding when they have kids. I had to work around teenagers and I see how they behave with camera phones. At times because of youth their judgement may not be sound. The teenage girls play around with their young boyfriends but now it's different (we have the internet out there and day by day almost all info will flow through the web) anything captured on an electronic device can be given to the world in a matter of seconds (via the web). We did not see or hear of the these pictures until they were confiscated and that in itself is a problem.


                              • #30
                                "Those that take dissent to my post will come to understanding when they have kids."

                                BLACK LIVES MATTER

