..between the IMF and the PNP.Propped up for what?
ONLINE READERS' COMMENT: Is Jamaica the new IMF poster child?
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Dear Editor:
I would be hard-pressed to find a country that has had the kind of attention from the leadership of international finance capital in the world over the past 10 months, as our country has received.
This fact is underscored by the visits of the chief of the International Monetary Fund(IMF) Christine Lagarde in June of 2014, Inter-American Development Bank’s head Luis Alberto Moreno in December of 2014, and the coup de grâce of them all was that of the 44th president of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama two weeks ago.
ONLINE READERS' COMMENT: Is Jamaica the new IMF poster child?
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Dear Editor:
I would be hard-pressed to find a country that has had the kind of attention from the leadership of international finance capital in the world over the past 10 months, as our country has received.
This fact is underscored by the visits of the chief of the International Monetary Fund(IMF) Christine Lagarde in June of 2014, Inter-American Development Bank’s head Luis Alberto Moreno in December of 2014, and the coup de grâce of them all was that of the 44th president of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama two weeks ago.