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Leff him alone Lisa, nuh

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  • Leff him alone Lisa, nuh

    tell him fi call yuh again. Him tink him know this ting yah. "When him come off a JFK and some man in a suit (with no smile on thier faces) haff him ah question him up". Him wi know. "Secret service nah leff nutten to chance,dem ah go waan know wha or who motivate him fi mek dat statement (is it a signal to some group)". The thing is; it could be several security agencies interested in him. "Him neva see di heap ah helicopter and military planes last week"? They weren't there for show my.

    On Garvey: If garvey is that important to Chronixx, why doesn't he start with the Min of Education? Ask why isn't Garvey a requirement in all schools across the island, why isn't there an exam for students on the works of Garvey.

    The short sightedness continues. Obama cannot just say exonerate Garvey Bam's response has to be measured. He has to get a review from experts in history and law before he could conclude and say aye or nay.Why is it that some people in Ja fail to understand how leadership works? Obama has to get it right, he can ill afford to make mistakes (especially near the end of his tenure). If Bam followed every request that came his way; the US would have "boots" in Persia,bolckade of Cuba and "boots in Venezuela (just to mention a few).

    Leave him to learn.

  • #2
    Actually, when it comes to pardons, Obama does not have to "get it right" No president has to.

    But the right thing to do would be to leave it till when he leaves office. I would be disappointed if he doesn't do the right thing.

    I said that about Cuba a few years ago, and look what has happened since. So keep hope alive!



    • #3
      Point taken. As POTUS one has to watch Bam's every move and listen to every word he says. It could be that coming to Ja. is setting the stage for a pardon. The thing that throw things off is that there is no museum of this hero of Ja. This is another area that Ja. is lacking. Where are our historical artifacts on Garvey? We are just going up to him because he is black and say pardon him. He is not the president of black america but the president of America.

      I know many will say but Marc Rich didn't have a museum nor anything. No look at yourself and not others; present your case well. His detractors are looking at every turn to destroy his legacy. Oh he pardons a man he knows little about. "He just went to the island and they said pardon him and he did it on a willy nilly". Bam has brought out the best from these people so far (best in what sense though).

      The NAACP (due to its founders) was mostly responsible for Garvey's imprsionment. NAACP was very close with Bill Clinton, it should have advanced for a pardon of Garvey with Bill. Now that Bam is a president, some are making it out as if it's his duty to pardon Garvey.

      After Garvey is pardoned will it improve the standard of living in Ja? Willl it improve education and economic growth? I'm being practical here and don't forget I love Garvey and I'm astudent of his works. The same way the world has changed; we as a people must change with it. One cannot continue on a path of collecting trinkets or signing a piece of paper whilst another is off with resources and true wealth. I don't think Garvey would appreciate that.


      • #4
        there is a museum in downtown Kingston that, while not a dedicated Marcus Garvey museum has some interesting exhibits related to Marcus. Ras Whitter is the curator.

        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


        • #5
          There is actually a modern museum (audio-visuals) for Marcus Garvey, as far as I recall. I think it's downtown where his Liberty Hall headquarters used to be.



          • #6
            on east street?

            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


            • #7
              Just used the museum as an example. The thing about Bam is that he acts off information. Notice he called Bob Marley museum guide by her first name. He was up to speed on local dialect and slang. It's therfore prudent to gather info and pass it to him as to why one is making a request. For starters he's a big fan of Bob; so we say well Marcus Garvey is the reason why Bob was what he was. One go on to mention the US linkage of the mentoring by Booker T. Washington. It's just that Garvey is not in Ja's school curriculum as this would be a boon in the presentattion to the POTUS.

              This is for Mo too.

