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Termites Crawl Wid It

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  • Termites Crawl Wid It

    US Think Tank: Jamaica Boasts Most Austere Budget In The World

    Published:Tuesday | April 7, 2015

    A US think tank is claiming that Jamaica is running the most austere budget in the world due to conditions imposed under the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

    The publication of the paper titled 'Partners in Austerity: Jamaica, the United States and the IMF' appeared to have been timed to coincide with the visit of US President Barack Obama to Jamaica.

    Author of the paper published by the Center for Economic and Policy Research, Jake Johnston, says through its leadership role in the IMF, the US is imposing unnecessary pain on Jamaica through what he calls harsh austerity and a debt trap.

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

  • #2

    "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

    "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


    • #3
      That was what I was alluding to when I said a more informed JP will emerge,the cry was stick with the IMF,and now that has changed.Jamaica is however in a unique situation this time around,the IMF programme has been exposed and they are looking to do some image control.If you check the forex reports,our currency has been holding its value only because if artificial manipulations.What Phillips is doing is delaying the inevitable,that offers short term relief and makes it even more stifling when the reprieve has ran its full course.It is a mutually beneficial relationship being fostered by the PNP and the IMF,one that will be costly to Jamaica.
      As to Obama,he will be congratulatory to Portia to delude her into staying inline.
      The vultures will perched,but life as we know it will not get better despite the economy figures indicating otherwise.


      • #4
        Dawwg nyam dem suppa- deservedly!

        "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

        "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


        • #5
          Great info...

          Here's our saving grace over the past 3 years of Termitis ...

          A significant portion of the Petrocaribe funds are being used to refinance domestic debt, in support of the IMF program. Additionally, a portion of funds takes the form of grants and is used for social development, bolstering support to the neediest who have been most impacted by continued austerity. For its part, China committed over $700 million in investments in 2013 alone.

          Without these vital resources, the continued austerity would be having an even greater negative influence on the Jamaican economy. As the IMF points out, the continued lack of growth threatens the political tenability of the IMF-reform program.

          Without the Venezuelan and Chinese investments staving off recession, it’s likely the IMF program would fail due to serious public opposition. In this way, the IMF program is largely being subsidized by both Venezuelan foreign aid and Chinese investment.

          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


          • #6
            That damn Hugo Chavez. I remember Bangarang Bruce criticizing the Petro Carib deal before he became PM. He promptly changed his tune after becoming PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rudi View Post
              That damn Hugo Chavez. I remember Bangarang Bruce criticizing the Petro Carib deal before he became PM. He promptly changed his tune after becoming PM.
              That is not true. Bruce constantly articulated concerns about the influence of Venezuala because he knew it was fleeting and was rooted more in the whims of a tragic leader than in a sustainable and sound economic program. and his fears have been now validated.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Comment View Post
                That is not true. Bruce constantly articulated concerns about the influence of Venezuala because he knew it was fleeting and was rooted more in the whims of a tragic leader than in a sustainable and sound economic program. and his fears have been now validated.
                Was this why he made policy moves to end the Venezuela relationship...after all his "articulating"

                Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                • #9
                  Kindly explain how his fears have been validated better yet explain where Jamaica would be now without this 'fleeting' deal. Why didn't Bruce scrap this dangerous deal once he became PM? He was forced to eat crow on this issue.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rudi View Post
                    Kindly explain how his fears have been validated better yet explain where Jamaica would be now without this 'fleeting' deal. Why didn't Bruce scrap this dangerous deal once he became PM? He was forced to eat crow on this issue.
                    Rudi, did Bruce ever indicate that he intended to scrap the agreement?
                    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                    • #11
                      Errr.Lazie while in opposition Bruce lambasted the Petro Carib deal claiming that the deal made Jamaica too dependant on Venezuela and would harm Jamaica's relationship with the USA. He accused the PNP of being TOO CLOSE to Hugo Chavez and even intimated that Chavez was helping to finance the PNP and Washington didn't like it. Once he became PM he was effusive in his praise for the Petro Caribe arrangement and by extension Hugo Chavez. He coveniently neglected to mention his utterances in opposition when he became PM. It suddenly became the best thing since slice bread


                      • #12
                        Rudi, you are mixing your opinion with the facts. Duh better than that bredren.
                        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                        • #13
                          I think you have conveniently forgotten Bruce's opinions while in opposition.

