The man ask to the effect: "they say she (Edwards) is not doing a good job and so should be fired"... the PM answers: i'm not sure that is fair because it's NOT (my caps) the first time the dump has been on fire..." Wha?! Wiya!?
You are sounding like a party hack...well guess what, many in the party are not feeling happy about it either.
Its not about deposing her. It is about her being a stand up kind of leader.
If she were doing her job well, I would be completely happy as its not like we have tons of alternatives available anyway. I am not sure i would prefer Holness on the job either. i am not wedded to any of them, as all I want is a well run country.
She aint the worst person in the world, but too often she falls flat on her face...Like you, she can do MUCH better and she must be pushed to do better.
Thanks. We can now have a meaningful dialogue. They keyword you mentioned was decisions not eloquence with words but decisions.
The fire at Riverton has been an annual occurrence therefore the time has come for it to stop. Without name calling; it's important that we ask the leader of Ja to step in and make sure Ja has a modern system of waste management given the bio hazards that comes from the present system (see DM's column). Now I know the Japanese has an efficient system of waste management. This system is one where energy is being derived to serve the nation. If Ja could secure such a system for both Mobay and KGN then the energy derived could be used to take the service sector (tourism) off the regular grid during its peak season. The returns from the service sector could then be used to finance the loan that would be needed to build this system.
Now I see P working the phones calling up the Japanese Embassy and asking Peter how much could be squeezed from the budget to offset costs. At the same time for some reason I hear China harbour engineering in the background.
What troubles me is that this govt. is the only govt. that the people feels comfortable with. The people feel they can put their demands and concerns out there and get a response. It's not the same with the other party and this must CHANGE. If not Ja may be stuck with a one party system of govt.
1.The people feel they can put their demands and concerns out there and get a response. yuh living in la la land! gas tax! people want dat?!
2. the OUTAMENI disgrace! her response was decrepit. the facts remain but that nine days wonder has now passed which is what they knew/hoped would happen and the board continues. disgraceful.
3. NWSMA samething. her REASONING for not holding the CEO accountable is because she did not set the fire?!!!!!!
i am tire of party politics deciding who gets to be leader. i am certain that the current leader of either party is not the best possible candidate to run the country, but, some delegates who have their own internal interests make those decisions for us to choose between the two. wi tired a that!! but guess what, those we put in charge will not act against their own self interest in the interest of the country they lead. how sad is that?
and people like you jawge, BLINDLY follow party accepting the mediocrity that they continue to dole out on us.
Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe.Thomas Paine
Number 3 I will work with seeing that the rest is emotion. She did not say she will not hold the CEO accountable because the CEO didn't set the fire. By omission you set out to deceive. What was her initial response to the same question prior to her response about who set the fire?
I don't blindly follow party politics. What I'm pointing out is the paralells of two leaders (one from the US and the other from JA). The fact is that many can easily see the disrespect for Bam but it's invisible for PSM.
You will never find the perfect leader (as I'm sure one can find fault with all Ja's leaders to present). What is at hand right now is a crisis. Do you want it fixed or do you want to harp about the leader not answering the question the way you would like it to be answered? That's the point; too much energy is being wasted on the trivial things. The question should be; can we get a modern and efficient waste management system in both cities? If yes when.
I recant; it would be disrespectful not to answer the gas tax question.
Boss Ja wants a modern network of highways across the island, the people want a bypass to resolve the age long "flat bridge problem", as it stands if PSM decides on a modern system of waste management, she will have to turn overseas. All these things cost money! Japan will not give you the waste management system for free (how will she feed her people). All these highways and bridges cost money and these loans have to be repayed. Guess how the govt. has to go about getting the money for these projects?
You are lucky because if the govt. builds these waste mangement systems look out for more taxes. Rum tax, cigarette tax, patty tax you name it.
I hope the above brings more light on education being national security.
The problem is, Portia need to explain this to the people instead of cussing every media person who try to interview her and pin her down. She need to use it to her advantage, after all she is the Prime Minister.
It is not about what the media want, It is not about what Portia want to tell them, it is not about he feeling disrespected but about provide answers in a calm and diplomatic way. She is not the deputy prime Minister, It is not about her been a party leader, It is not about her been a woman, but it is about her been Prime Minister and leading a nation.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
how did we get here? we didn't just wake up here ... these people took us down this path and then turn around a blame each other and encourage their loyalists to do likewise.
we may never find perfection but mediocrity is a dime a dozen.
Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe.Thomas Paine
People are never afraid of calling out Andrew. Maybe you don't read the paper but he is asked a lot of questions.
As Gamma said, his decision making may not be the best at times and could do with some proper guidance, but you will never see him act the way Portia did in public as a Prime Minister. This is not about policy or like or dislike for Portia or her policy, it is acting diplomatic as Prime Minister.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
Explain what Sass? The gas taxes? Okay you are the son of working class parent, you see your daddy drives home a brand new Mercedes Benz (S class). Soon you notice couple cows off the land have to be sold, then the goats and your pocket money being scaled way back. Do you need Daddy to tell you it's the S class outside that's causing all of that? I don't think so.
When I'm in Ja at times I travel around the island; whoever is driving me around sometimes says "over there is just like the US" I quietly respond that it may look that way to you. Now when I'm on the highway that goes from Mandeville to kgn. I can tell you that it's as if I'm on the 95 somewhere in Jersey heading to Pennsylvania. I know that stretch cost some serious money and the French or whoever built don't want payment in Jakan dollars. The people of ja are not fools they know what's going on.
Now let's talk about diplomatic response. I can recall in 1980 when Eddie won and became PM. A reporter asked Eddie a question. You know what Eddie said? I don't like that question rephrase it. The reporter just wimpered away without saying another word. Now imagine if Eddie was PM and that reporter kept asking Eddie the same question even after Eddie gave him an answer. Eddie would say come see me at Ja house.
When "him go up deh, nutten but some rhatid lick wid him belt". "Now mi know why Eddie did ah beat unnuh " Ask Eddie to this day, "if yuh can ask him over di same question like him ah eediat".
BTW "Yuh tink when Eddie ah PM yuh could ah go call him eediat in fron ah TV camera"? Don't try fool me ah Ja mi born an grow.
"I don't like that question rephrase it." It would be better if Portia said that rather than the tracing. I won't comment any further on that as I am not sure you making it up.
The fact is everytime Portia is been questioned by the media she end up cussing or some bodyguard pushing the media away. If it is was a one time even I would see with it but it happen every six month or year she do an interview.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.