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More Proof of a democratic dictatorship..Frank Phipps

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  • #31
    X is many people wasn't satisfy with the system there would be change. When people get free light, free water, bribe, corruption etc. Some people are satisfy with it hence "a so the thing set", hence "a so the ting run" etc.

    People have to take stand, people have to be activist for their causes or things will remain the same, leaders take people for granted when they fail to act. Do not depend on your leader to make changes, send them a message.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #32
      Communism reducing to obscurity has everything to do with the prevailing sentiments of a capitalist controlled world,it would have fared better had there been changes in perceptions .
      I purposely used Walmart because it is one of the best profit earners and its business practices, as it pertains to workers, mirror that of a state owned business under a communist regime(anti union,incentive is to maximize profits etc).
      In both scenarios,workers are the constant,what changes is whether Govt or a businessperson gets the lion's share,at some point we have to realize the paradigms are the same.


      • #33
        Walmart because it is one of the best profit earners and its business practices, as it pertains to workers mirror that of a state owned business under a communist regime(anti union,incentive is to maximize profits etc
        You lost me with this one Rockman. That sounds like classic capitalism to me.

        I thought Karl Marx argued that the profit from the workers production should be shared with them? No? I thought communists played a critical role in the early trade union movements? No?
        "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


        • #34
          You are correct but low wages are emphazized to maximize profits to be dispersed elsewhare;heathcare,education,affordable housing etc.
          Trade unions under communist regimes are far more willing to make concessions.
          Walmart stock fell,upon the announcement to pay a 'little more' in wages.
          Victimization is encourage in,tge dog eat dog ideology.

