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Rainforest seafood!!!!

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  • Rainforest seafood!!!!

    Willi, I am surprised by your choice of Rainforest to include in this thread on nothing happening. In reading that article I learned a number of things about Rainforest and realized that they are doing what every Jamaican company should be doing and that this article you posted is relatively significant on more than a few counts.

    1.launch of an entirely new product line of ready to eat products, that is very significant!!! Sounds to me that the company has been exporting primarily uncooked or partially cooked seafood and meat products, with ready to eat products the cost of manufacturing goes up significantly but the selling price also increases exponentially as well per ounce, if successful this type of processing requires much more labor and capital all good for jamaica.

    2. With investment in new smokehouse, which is the first step in the creation of the new value added product lines, that is a real commitment to build new infrastructure, bring in new capital and commit to something new and unusual, that is very significant, nan putting his money where his mouth is, both me and probably you have Nuff ideas but can't find the courage to put money, idea and mind into action.

    3. He gives us evidence that he is not playing, they launched 15 new products last year, "fifteen" how much companies in jamaica or anywhere can say they launched 15 new products in one year!!!!

    4. He is also doing seafood seasonings, another wicked value add product that we in jamaica are loafing with, when I see mrs dash seasoning on us shelves for three dollars for a little bit of seasoning worth about seventy five cents I think man we ah loaf this thing out, now this company is launching seafood seasoning right in line with a natural type of value added product for a seafood company.

    5. They are exporting live jamaican lobster to Asian markets, my only issue is the supply chain on this I hope that means they have an offshore lobster farm somewhere otherwise this one is going nowhere.

    6. He is vertically and horizontally expanding and integrating his company at the same time, not sure if this is just hopscotching or this is a company bursting its seams, seems to be the last as they took three years to build out the expansion and they are also working to reduce the biggest cost item which is energy with solar energy investments.

    7. He is using mobile trucks as a marketing tool and putting them in places that is going to attract free marketing and attention.

    8. Product line is massive, too big, but he knows his biz, 400 products in various forms of finishing and readiness. The man is going to produce jamaican export bammy, fantastic idea if he can produce a good quality product in quantity, we have a market of at least one million Jamaicans in North America that would try that. Not sure bout the sweet part but this man has earned the stripes the right way put him money where him mouth is.

    9. He says eating jamaican is hip in eastern Caribbean, you know what it is hip in many other places as well, how do we take advantage.

    10. Last and quite significant is they will have a booth in the international boston seafood show, yeah!!!! They will attract a lot of attention,scary part is can they handle the potential attention they may get??????

    Willi, how you mean this is weak, I think maybe the way it was written it did not really enhance what was being said, but reading through the detail he said a lot of significant things.

    Jamaica can really create a slew of new lines of products by sourcing abroad and reexport into value added products stamped made in jamaica all over the world, earning dollars on cents, this is the model that will make jamaica really great, Jardim for business man of the year!!!!!

  • #2
    Nothing against the company. Its just proof that not much is happening if this is front page busines news. I just chose a random day and reached for the 2 headliners in the buisness section.

    Based on parsing what you wrote, the guy is at least opening his mind to possibilities, but again, if this is all we can be celebrating…cornah dark!

    In a properly functioning economy, these little PR "human interest" pieces get relegated to fill empty slots. That was really my point.

    However, thanks for the nicely laid out post you made.

    Enjoyable read.

    Where are you located again?


    • #3
      No talk too loud, them will tell you a babylon or babylon lover own it.
      You can't mention them people deh inna positive light on this forum.
      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


      • #4
        What dem used to say assassin, speak de truth, speak it ever, cause it what it will, he who hides the wrong thing perpetrated on the people misleads the people forever!!! That last part is mine of course.

        As me also used to hear, "mouth mek FI say anything" but here you have someone, I really don't give a frig what him look like, that is building something from ground up that earns foreign exchange and builds linkages inside the local economy, that is the fundamental formula for building jamaica, if we can't say that then as Willi say the corner dark, actually the corner would be dead!!!!


        • #5
          I rather seeing Jamaican entrepreneurs investing and growing rather than all our investors coming and buying all the little productive sector we have and then all the little corner shop, then 90% of the profit goes back out of Jamaica.

          Biggest investment we have in Jamaica now is road and bridges and then the money go right out back to the contractors.

          Yes we have our challenge but if Jamaicans can't grow our economy then our corner dark and the dollar will be .....
          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


          • #6
            Well this is better than all a that, this source local material and value add and sell to foreign markets and bring money back to Ja, that is an unbeatable formula. Just find out that this is butch Stewart son, not sure why him have a different last name, but this one really bruk off the old rock, innovative, enterprising and imaginative.


            • #7
              "Man putting his money where his mouth is, both me and probably you have Nuff ideas but can't find the courage to put money, idea and mind into action."

              See why its orders of magnitude easier for him. Him have automatic bailout of all fails. Not the same risk profile at all. You and I have to ensure seh food always on the table for family.

              Man can indulge in over expansion and unwisely broad product line.

              I dont know what you do for a living, but I do analyze and judge corporate investment ventures for a living and have developed decent instincts. Many Jamaican companies are not very strategic. Its just brute force employment of hegemonic capital. Worse now that nuff braniac businesses started by technically competent tyeps like the power transformer guy were FINSACKED! Who can afford to risk it all now, but the well heeled connected set? Free enterprise is almost dead.


              • #8
                I hear you Wili, but truth is Butch never really have much to start with and he made the jump big time. This is the true challenge of our generation, many of our parents came from farm communities or one generation removed from a rural area, so our parents made a wicked jump during the 70's and 80's taking us with them and making the transition for us easier.

                Our true challenge was to create and build jamaica to the next level but we all mostly left and truth is while we all doing pretty ok we still have not made the jump to create and build new value in a product or service. Our families will be ok but our impact beyond that is quite limited.

                I am now in Texas I don't know if you remember but we were somewhat in touch while I was in Finland in the early 00's. I like you have done a bunch of really cool and incredible things when you look at the resume but at end of the day I have not put it on the line and tried to create something new and that is the true challenge and next step for our people. People sometimes get Garvey totally wrong, his number one point was empowerment and independence through business ownership. Others want to focus on everything else in his message but without that all else is not achievable.


                • #9
                  "his number one point was empowerment and independence through business ownership"

                  Share that with you. We have a lot of problems in Jamaica.
                  1) The politically connected and get a lot of blies and we make more effort to import than to actually produce. Although the US is free enterprise, some sectors and businesses are protected by tariff, quotas and standards.

                  FINSAC did a job on many business. Not only did business close but many entrepreneurs will not expand or take additional risk anymore and to add to that the instability of the dollar and taxes doesn't make for investment for Jamaicans as it is hard to plan especially if you have to deal eith Jamaican dollars to source anything overseas.

                  I respect any Jamaican who invest their own capital and wish them success.
                  • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                  • #10
                    I hear yuh, and yes I remember yuh as Ziadie, from dem deh days.

                    Yes, hats off to Butch for that.


                    • #11
                      Butch Stewart is the biggest employer of Jamaicans outside of the Government of Jamaica.
                      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                      • #12
                        Don't waste time reading into that, my first internet name was Zaidi Calabar and the only reason it was Zaidi was that Zaidie gardens is the neighborhood across the boulevard and I used to hang out there back in the days after school.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Stonigut View Post
                          Don't waste time reading into that, my first internet name was Zaidi Calabar and the only reason it was Zaidi was that Zaidie gardens is the neighborhood across the boulevard and I used to hang out there back in the days after school.
                          It's actually spelled Ziadie Gardens. That's where I grew up, Aldene Drive. Used to go over to Calabar to play football. Not a good idea! That was the worst football field ever!

                          What the hell were you doing in my place, Stoni?

                          Mosiah, First Baron of Aldene

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #14

                            Originally posted by Stonigut View Post
                            Willi, I am surprised by your choice of Rainforest to include in this thread on nothing happening. In reading that article I learned a number of things about Rainforest and realized that they are doing what every Jamaican company should be doing and that this article you posted is relatively significant on more than a few counts.

                            1.launch of an entirely new product line of ready to eat products, that is very significant!!! Sounds to me that the company has been exporting primarily uncooked or partially cooked seafood and meat products, with ready to eat products the cost of manufacturing goes up significantly but the selling price also increases exponentially as well per ounce, if successful this type of processing requires much more labor and capital all good for jamaica.

                            2. With investment in new smokehouse, which is the first step in the creation of the new value added product lines, that is a real commitment to build new infrastructure, bring in new capital and commit to something new and unusual, that is very significant, nan putting his money where his mouth is, both me and probably you have Nuff ideas but can't find the courage to put money, idea and mind into action.

                            3. He gives us evidence that he is not playing, they launched 15 new products last year, "fifteen" how much companies in jamaica or anywhere can say they launched 15 new products in one year!!!!

                            4. He is also doing seafood seasonings, another wicked value add product that we in jamaica are loafing with, when I see mrs dash seasoning on us shelves for three dollars for a little bit of seasoning worth about seventy five cents I think man we ah loaf this thing out, now this company is launching seafood seasoning right in line with a natural type of value added product for a seafood company.

                            5. They are exporting live jamaican lobster to Asian markets, my only issue is the supply chain on this I hope that means they have an offshore lobster farm somewhere otherwise this one is going nowhere.

                            6. He is vertically and horizontally expanding and integrating his company at the same time, not sure if this is just hopscotching or this is a company bursting its seams, seems to be the last as they took three years to build out the expansion and they are also working to reduce the biggest cost item which is energy with solar energy investments.

                            7. He is using mobile trucks as a marketing tool and putting them in places that is going to attract free marketing and attention.

                            8. Product line is massive, too big, but he knows his biz, 400 products in various forms of finishing and readiness. The man is going to produce jamaican export bammy, fantastic idea if he can produce a good quality product in quantity, we have a market of at least one million Jamaicans in North America that would try that. Not sure bout the sweet part but this man has earned the stripes the right way put him money where him mouth is.

                            9. He says eating jamaican is hip in eastern Caribbean, you know what it is hip in many other places as well, how do we take advantage.

                            10. Last and quite significant is they will have a booth in the international boston seafood show, yeah!!!! They will attract a lot of attention,scary part is can they handle the potential attention they may get??????

                            Willi, how you mean this is weak, I think maybe the way it was written it did not really enhance what was being said, but reading through the detail he said a lot of significant things.

                            Jamaica can really create a slew of new lines of products by sourcing abroad and reexport into value added products stamped made in jamaica all over the world, earning dollars on cents, this is the model that will make jamaica really great, Jardim for business man of the year!!!!!
                            Excellent deconstruction Stoni.... I agree 99%

                            This guy is displaying true entrepreneurship...the type Jamaica needs. I've been tracking Rainforest for a number of years.... I believe it started out importing fish out of Guyana and reselling... Now it seems they're into innovative product development/local sourcing/high value add....and an export focus. This is the exact prescription for private sector led development.

                            What we're mostly accustomed to out of the JA private sector is margin gathering importers/businesses seeking govt protection & favors/financial gamesmanship/passive rent seekers

                            The untold story here is that innovative export driven enterprises like this benefit greatly from a devalued dollar.... Without that economic incentive for local sourcing it would still pay to import, repackage and resell

                            That's the flip side of devaluation that no one talks about ...maybe because they're unaware.

                            As mi Granny used to preach.... Good & Bad inna evvy likkle ting

                            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                            • #15
                              I know, I remember all of that!

