... More Tight Vaginas ... tuh di Whirl!!! 
MoBay doc returns tightness to vaginas
Gynaecologist says procedure bringing back the love in marriages
BY MARK CUMMINGS Editor-at-Large Western Bureau cummingsm@jamaicaobserver.com
Sunday, January 25, 2015
MONTEGO BAY, St James — After giving birth to three children, the 33-year-old Montegonian just couldn’t get the pleasure she once experienced during sex.
The woman, who has been married for almost three years, said the tightness in her vagina no longer existed.
Fearing that the lacklustre sex could impact negatively on her marriage, she became worried, and suffered in silence for months.

MoBay doc returns tightness to vaginas
Gynaecologist says procedure bringing back the love in marriages
BY MARK CUMMINGS Editor-at-Large Western Bureau cummingsm@jamaicaobserver.com
Sunday, January 25, 2015
MONTEGO BAY, St James — After giving birth to three children, the 33-year-old Montegonian just couldn’t get the pleasure she once experienced during sex.
The woman, who has been married for almost three years, said the tightness in her vagina no longer existed.
Fearing that the lacklustre sex could impact negatively on her marriage, she became worried, and suffered in silence for months.