Boiling Frog Chronicles CCCX1
The common threads for native Black Jamaicans & Black Americans resulting in lack of wealth generation & powerlessness:
1. Inability to work together to achieve common goals.
The assimilation of Babylon Media Propaganda and adoption of Babylon-centric thought processes disables most from even seeing the core problems... merely their symptoms
2. Poor time prioritization.
Spending excessive amounts of time & resources in nonproductive pursuits... i.e. idle yappin, TV & Movie consumption & game playing. Not enuff time spent studying, analysing and acting aggressively in our COMMON interest
3. Excessive Consumption vs Making products, Saving & Investing
We produce nothing that we own and spend excessively on trinkets produced by others....thereby enriching the others and impoverishing ourselves. We don't teach our kids how to save & invest. Instead we teach them by our destructive example to glorify & worship Babylon brands.. cars, garments, jewelry, technology etc... defining our self-worth by how much of those trinkets we can consume
4. Reliance on corrupt & inept politicians & political parties for leadership in delivering the solutions we desperately need.
The only viable solutions lie in fixing 1-3.... and politicians have NOTHING to do with that nor are they concerned about it.
In Jamaica's case as a nation with a Black majority most of the political operators are Black...and so have more power relative to the Black American political class.
Unfortunately they're collective failures.
And still we rise... in a pile of excrement. But please make sure you catch the MSNBC (etc) Talking Heads every night. You don't want to be not "up to date" on Babylon memes
The common threads for native Black Jamaicans & Black Americans resulting in lack of wealth generation & powerlessness:
1. Inability to work together to achieve common goals.
The assimilation of Babylon Media Propaganda and adoption of Babylon-centric thought processes disables most from even seeing the core problems... merely their symptoms

2. Poor time prioritization.
Spending excessive amounts of time & resources in nonproductive pursuits... i.e. idle yappin, TV & Movie consumption & game playing. Not enuff time spent studying, analysing and acting aggressively in our COMMON interest

3. Excessive Consumption vs Making products, Saving & Investing
We produce nothing that we own and spend excessively on trinkets produced by others....thereby enriching the others and impoverishing ourselves. We don't teach our kids how to save & invest. Instead we teach them by our destructive example to glorify & worship Babylon brands.. cars, garments, jewelry, technology etc... defining our self-worth by how much of those trinkets we can consume

4. Reliance on corrupt & inept politicians & political parties for leadership in delivering the solutions we desperately need.
The only viable solutions lie in fixing 1-3.... and politicians have NOTHING to do with that nor are they concerned about it.
In Jamaica's case as a nation with a Black majority most of the political operators are Black...and so have more power relative to the Black American political class.
Unfortunately they're collective failures.

And still we rise... in a pile of excrement. But please make sure you catch the MSNBC (etc) Talking Heads every night. You don't want to be not "up to date" on Babylon memes
