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Breakthru tech

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  • Breakthru tech


  • #2
    Interesting. Looks expensive though, it may be a while before it would be cost-effective.
    "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


    • #3
      Saw this some time ago...very inneresting tech

      Building out & maintaining this new infrastructure on road nets would cost many trillions. The US for example is currently unable to properly maintain even it's 20th century roadway system.. so it may appear in Asia first provided those economies continue rapid growth

      For this great tech to work at scale it probably would need most vehicles to be BOTH electric & robotic. That conversion would have to occur first imho so the full value proposition of the technology can be realized.. Maybe in 30+ years

      Meanwhile it probably has some viable niche applications on playgrounds, roofs & parking lots etc

      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


      • #4
        It will start that way, but recall that if all highways are replaced in the US, the solar would generate 3 x the power of all energy generated in the USA today, so imagine the savings in farrin oil imports, etc.

        The US did a WORKS program wafter the great depression, where U think all dem library and Post offices came from? It can be done again to energize the economy.

        What you think it costs to maintain today's road network? Just the cost of removing snow from Manhatten's street is exorbitant! Imagine if its just melted away? Buckminster Fuller done tell you seh a geodesic dome over Manhatten would pay for itself in a few years just based on the cost savings of no more snow shovelling in Manhatten!

        REAL CRASH program, not the foolishness bout bushing weed and running boat a roadside. LoL

        Jamaica would not have the snow benefit, but it could obviate our oil generating capacity and restore us as the KING of cool, with all dem pretty light at night. I can see crime reducing potential as well.


        • #5
          Dem a use recycled plastic and glass, of which we have TONS.

          If you think infrastucture is expensive, try the shoddy work thing we do that have to be replaced in less dan a year! All those bruk axel and car part imports even when we pay top dllar for road works.

          Fix it right and U only have to fix it once.


          • #6
            Dont di PM seh she can instruct the Ministah to Find the money?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Willi View Post
              It will start that way, but recall that if all highways are replaced in the US, the solar would generate 3 x the power of all energy generated in the USA today, so imagine the savings in farrin oil imports, etc.

              The US did a WORKS program wafter the great depression, where U think all dem library and Post offices came from? It can be done again to energize the economy.

              What you think it costs to maintain today's road network? Just the cost of removing snow from Manhatten's street is exorbitant! Imagine if its just melted away? Buckminster Fuller done tell you seh a geodesic dome over Manhatten would pay for itself in a few years just based on the cost savings of no more snow shovelling in Manhatten!

              REAL CRASH program, not the foolishness bout bushing weed and running boat a roadside. LoL

              Jamaica would not have the snow benefit, but it could obviate our oil generating capacity and restore us as the KING of cool, with all dem pretty light at night. I can see crime reducing potential as well.
              I agree with all this but...

              The US currently has no vision or stomach for massive infrastructural upgrades .... or public money to support it. We saw that during the great recession.

              The states have to balance their budgets and are strapped. The federal government aint investing at that level because they're burdened with huge debt of 100% of GDP (not including unfunded liabilities of about 6X GDP)

              US private investors are not interested in roads which have a very long term horizon for returns. They prefer to turn tricks in the financial market or invest in tech for a return within 10 years

              Plus there would be too much political opposition to the idea of public funds being used and also the US Govt prefers to export war to other countries.. that's pretty expensive

              You also have to factor in the opposition of very powerful vested interests in the oil & gas industry who love traditional roads.

              All that makes your good sense an impossibility in the near to medium term
              Last edited by Don1; December 29, 2014, 06:28 PM.

              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


              • #8
                Agreed, but unless dem break free of the controllers, dawg nyam dem suppah!

