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PIERS MORGAN: America can’t be bullied by North Korea

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  • PIERS MORGAN: America can’t be bullied by North Korea

    PIERS MORGAN: America can’t be bullied by the North Korea’s Kim and a nerdy traitor: It’s time for us ALL to stand-up and be counted*

    I was there to pitch a movie idea.

    ‘It goes like this,’ I began, ‘there’s a big movie studio that gets paralysed by a cyber attack from a foreign dictator and all hell breaks loose….’



  • #2
    Sony is looking like a big punk right now, to use the G-rated "p" word.

    First their computer system is completely hi-hacked by the people who should be among the least computer savvy in the entire world. Then their Jewish managers are exposed in their white sheets and hats.

    Then, this is the kicker - they are ballsy enough to make a movie about killing the leader of a sovereign country, to be released at Christmas time no less, but pull back under their white sheets when threatened with 911-sized catastrophe if they release it! Since when does the evil tentacles of North Korea get to influence anything in God-blessed America? And what is Barack doing about it? Surely he can find some hack-proof drones he could send over to Pyongyang to at least take out their state of the art computer hacking headquarters! Or even just do what the movie makers wanted to do in the first place!

    Anyway, North Korea must be feeling rather silly right now. Had they waited until next year to do this computer hack thingy, maybe they would have been on Obama's Christmas list of countries to bring back into the world's good books, but instead, only Cuba will get that privilege.

    Wooiiee mi belly!

    Never see dis yet!



    • #3
      Just comments:
      - It is not ridiculous that a company or number of companies in the USA or indeed the USA government is aware of possible dangers 'the internet' poses.

      Aside: Don1 joined the horde raging against 'privacy invasion'!
      Let me repeat: Privacy is in a real sense an illusion.
      Computers, 'the internet'=as the public knows it and its secret underbellies i.e. hidden 'intra & inter' nets and movement of money (+combined associate interconnected 'creations' invented for ease of movement and access) combined takes away any 'real' privacy.

      The individual's security lies in degree of that individual's importance to some other person, entity - private or public entity. An individual 'hides in plain sight'(=privacy assurance is guaranteed) through being unimportant among billions of equally unimportant persons.

      - The reaction of SONY can be thought of as 'pause before coming again. How so, with or without government of the USA actions?

      - Based on the above no need for the 'alarmist chatter'.
      What the rest of the world can do, at worse the USA can do and at best - this is where I am - the USA can do a million-fold more efficient.
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #4
        I'm not at all concerned with this silly movie issue but this caught my attention:

        Aside: Don1 joined the horde raging against 'privacy invasion'!
        I don't join hordes. I perform critical analysis. In practice the real horde is formed by those lemmings who unquestioningly trust Government and willingly accept pervasive & intrusive government surveillance. Apparently the horde does not know that this is an essential precursor to a Police State which appears to be in train.

        Also the horde does not realize that the constitution bans unreasonable search and seizure... so clearly full spectrum monitoring of ALL personal communications of citizens (without probable cause) must be illegal.

        The horde has been programmed by corporate media to accept fcukery as truth and necessity. This is the horde I describe as Boiling Frogs
        Last edited by Don1; December 18, 2014, 10:10 AM.

        Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

        D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


        • #5
          Originally posted by Don1 View Post
          I'm not at all concerned with this silly movie issue but this caught my attention:

          I don't join hordes. I perform critical analysis. In practice the real horde is formed by those lemmings who unquestioningly trust Government and willingly accept pervasive & intrusive government surveillance. Apparently the horde does not know that this is an essential precursor to a Police State which appears to be in train.

          Also the horde does not realize that the constitution bans unreasonable search and seizure... so clearly full spectrum monitoring of ALL personal communications of citizens (without probable cause) must be illegal.

          The horde has been programmed by corporate media to accept fcukery as truth and necessity. This is the horde I describe as Boiling Frogs
          Did Karl misspell the word?



          • #6
            Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
            Did Karl misspell the word?
            wich wurd dat

            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


            • #7
              Originally posted by Don1 View Post
              wich wurd dat

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                den ow dat fi spel??

                Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                  Sony is looking like a big punk right now, to use the G-rated "p" word.

                  First their computer system is completely hi-hacked by the people who should be among the least computer savvy in the entire world. Then their Jewish managers are exposed in their white sheets and hats.

                  Then, this is the kicker - they are ballsy enough to make a movie about killing the leader of a sovereign country, to be released at Christmas time no less, but pull back under their white sheets when threatened with 911-sized catastrophe if they release it! Since when does the evil tentacles of North Korea get to influence anything in God-blessed America? And what is Barack doing about it? Surely he can find some hack-proof drones he could send over to Pyongyang to at least take out their state of the art computer hacking headquarters! Or even just do what the movie makers wanted to do in the first place!

                  Anyway, North Korea must be feeling rather silly right now. Had they waited until next year to do this computer hack thingy, maybe they would have been on Obama's Christmas list of countries to bring back into the world's good books, but instead, only Cuba will get that privilege.

                  Wooiiee mi belly!

                  Never see dis yet!
                  No country physically attacks another country that has nuclear weapons. The best that Uncle Sam can do is a cyber attack on that hacking headquarters.
                  The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Don1 View Post
                    den ow dat fi spel??
                    Mi nuh know! But di "D" nuh look like it fi dideh.

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #11
                      you let people rummage round in your house when you aren't there?

