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  • ...that...?

    Dear Fellow Facebookers;
    It would be hopelessly remiss of me not to declare interest, in that Mr. Lenbert Littlewhite, joined me at Jamaica College during my 6th Form years, as my junior, after he had done a stint at Munro.

    I strongly deprecate a position embraced by the NNN Chief Cliff Hughes as mooted by his co-host Rashaan Thompson on the station’s PM program a few weeks ago, in reference to the NHT purchase issue.

    There was a suggestion that the now disappearing “thank you sentiment” is only applicable when an undue benefit is obtained. The junior of the two journalists described it as “not business language.” For someone raised under a parental regime of decency and plain good manners to all and rabidly reinforced by the cane (whither that effective rod of correction?) at high school, I view with much disgust that such an abominable thought, can be encouraged by persons, also I take the liberty to assume, were exposed to the culture of which I speak. In a society faced with the social challenges that we are, it is for these supposed bastions of better education, to halt the descent of the lesser culturally privileged, into the morass of crudity and near vulgarity that are encircling.

    Coincidentally, minutes before, I was recounting an experience at a remittance company when after I received the funds sent and said the traditional (for my type) “Thank you Miss”, the female’s response was “Whey yuh a tank mi fah, sar is your money?”
    Nuff said but is the Revolution in Media a party to this degenerate thinking?
    In any case, after all the dialogue about the property in question, not generating the revenues that would make it viable as a tourist attraction, is it not legitimate and acceptable , business ethics observed, for the vendor to give gratitude for this “albatross removed from his neck?”.

    George Davis – his credentials as a “bright young journalist” yet not besmirched, described the engagement by Hughes as “journalistic rigour.” Is it not this same attribute, which had the CEO face legal sanction and more for, a broadside against a former Prime Minister, which was to me a salivatory response to a perceived juicy story, and which this untrained journalist told him lacked the “crime label” to elicit the production of that or any other body fluid which speaks to an explosion of ecstasy. I could just imagine him, rubbing his palms together in preemptive glee.
    My advice young Hughes, born of law enforcement experience plus some Fervet Opus in Campis intellect, is when you are taking on the Big fish “Corner him prior to accusing him.” Escape should not be an option.

    --- Author not me..but a FB friend!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."