So certain elements decide they want to torture some "folks" in secret for supposed and unknown misdeeds 
They're aware this is illegal under their national law and international law they're signatory to and helped create i.e. the Geneva Conventions.
They know that in the recent past their government has overseen the execution of German folks for torturing others.
The task: How is torture sold to John Public? Fortunately JP is significantly dumb, unthinking and highly susceptible to manipulation. Fortunately also, their media (esp. TV & film) is overwhelmingly powerful and amazingly successful at propaganda and deception... AKA "framing the issue"
So... immediately after the organized, illegal, state sponsored torture begins... an unrelenting array of highly attractive TV shows & films appear all featuring "good guys" torturing "bad guys". John Public is immediately sent into a thrall of excitement and pleasure over these colorful shows. JP even cheers the torture, waits excitedly for the next victims and feverishly discusses the next episodes of atrocities
Voila!! Torture is now normalized, acceptable...even desirable! Torture is now entertainment!!! woooiiiee mi perforated trachea!!
The bar has been lowered beneath ground level....and what some thought was negative is now a big positive
Even the thought of prosecuting what would have been war criminals a few years ago is dismissed
Chalk up yet another outstanding success for The Matrix over The Boiling Frogs

They're aware this is illegal under their national law and international law they're signatory to and helped create i.e. the Geneva Conventions.
They know that in the recent past their government has overseen the execution of German folks for torturing others.
The task: How is torture sold to John Public? Fortunately JP is significantly dumb, unthinking and highly susceptible to manipulation. Fortunately also, their media (esp. TV & film) is overwhelmingly powerful and amazingly successful at propaganda and deception... AKA "framing the issue"

So... immediately after the organized, illegal, state sponsored torture begins... an unrelenting array of highly attractive TV shows & films appear all featuring "good guys" torturing "bad guys". John Public is immediately sent into a thrall of excitement and pleasure over these colorful shows. JP even cheers the torture, waits excitedly for the next victims and feverishly discusses the next episodes of atrocities

Voila!! Torture is now normalized, acceptable...even desirable! Torture is now entertainment!!! woooiiiee mi perforated trachea!!

The bar has been lowered beneath ground level....and what some thought was negative is now a big positive

Even the thought of prosecuting what would have been war criminals a few years ago is dismissed

Chalk up yet another outstanding success for The Matrix over The Boiling Frogs
