The long, stubborn search for oil
If we find it, Jamaica will be debt-free, able to pay its bills’
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Chairman of the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) Christopher Cargill inks his signature on the signing board erected to mark the resumption of oil and gas exploration in Jamaica. PCJ’s Group General Manager Winston Watson (right) and Ian Dunleavy, commercial manager, Americas and Asia for Tullow Oil, also signed the board.
THERE was a dream of a prosperous Jamaica, free of debt and able to pay its bills. One could merely whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it could vanish, so fragile was it. But it was the dream of a few stubborn men who could not be convinced that there was no oil or gas on or offshore Jamaica. And still the dream lives on.
If we find it, Jamaica will be debt-free, able to pay its bills’
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Chairman of the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) Christopher Cargill inks his signature on the signing board erected to mark the resumption of oil and gas exploration in Jamaica. PCJ’s Group General Manager Winston Watson (right) and Ian Dunleavy, commercial manager, Americas and Asia for Tullow Oil, also signed the board.
THERE was a dream of a prosperous Jamaica, free of debt and able to pay its bills. One could merely whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it could vanish, so fragile was it. But it was the dream of a few stubborn men who could not be convinced that there was no oil or gas on or offshore Jamaica. And still the dream lives on.