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Unusual place names - Jamaica
This list is great but does not contain all "unusual" names for the towns in Jamaica. Not sure some of these names are "unusual", but the history behind many of them is certainly interesting.
The name "Darien" is associated with a few of these places. This made me research the history of the Darien expedition to Panama, a failed attempt by Scots to establish a colony in the New World. Survivors made their way to Jamaica and other parts, where many wickedly participated in the slave trade. The Darien expedition pauperised much of Scotland and sent them crawling to England for financial help. They then became part of the United Kingdom. Some may have recalled how desperate they were prior to the Union of 1707 when they voted in the September referendum this year.
Interesting stuff for those of us willing to go behind the simple stories provided on the list.
I looked to see if one name was on the list and that name is Rat Trap. I had a high school friend and classmate from Rat Trap. Yes, it made the list."Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran