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Hey Time, Jangle, Tilla

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  • Hey Time, Jangle, Tilla

    and others that see the need for more focus on academis than sports by schools.

    I read this article some months ago in the WSJ. The premise was that society uses this "cult of genius" for math htus shying away many students from the subject (whilst the same isn't done to a subject such as literature).

    Math is becoming increasingly important in the info age as computers are taking over every aspect of our society. Case in point: in this month's Harvard business review, it made note that the marketing dept. will soon possibly absorb IT dept. Therefore marketing majors will soon be forced to take programing courses.

    I always said education is a nation's security. Ja with its new "bypass highway" demonstrates this point. Without a solid education program Ja is doomed.

  • #2
    What did I say wrong here? It's quite possible I'm too candid here.

    Oh could it be that because I said education is national security? Ah well


    • #3
      Good article Jawge! I saw the post a day or so ago, but didn't have time to read and said I would get back to it. I just didn't remember.

      The writer is spot on about how society tend to view mathematics. There is a place for the math genius as well as for the rest of us. It cannot be and should not about the child prodigies alone. As the article says "Most child prodigies are highly successful - but most highly successful people weren't child prodigies."
      "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


      • #4
        aaahh, yuh seeit. As you well know (seeing that a mathematician is in your fam) A solid command of English (and its structure) or any established written language is important to math. This is paramount in writing proofs. Math is becoming very dominant in the info age. I have more stay tuned


        • #5
          Well, as how my fuss degree is in a form of applied math...

