Police goons who believe they are tough with their 5.56 rifles.
Reddit's Gun Community Takes Aim at 'Novice' Over-Militarized Police in Ferguson
Written by Brian Merchant
Senior Editor
August 14, 2014 // 04:00 PM EST
The photo above, which features a camouflaged police officer sitting atop a mine-resistant armored truck in Ferguson, Missouri, with a decked-out rifle, has been widely circulated as evidence of how militarized the American police force has become. To the trained eye, it's also suggestive of how poorly prepared those police are to be militarized.
Reddit's gun aficionados are pointing out that the rifle is so loaded with conflicting gadgets—a flashlight, "red dot" sight, bipod—that it demonstrates that the officer probably isn't very familiar with using it. One user, who owns two similar weapons, called it a "novice" setup. Others called it "goofy," "HORRIBLE," and a "waste of taxpayer dollars." It's also part of a trend—many of the rifles being used in Ferguson have the same setup, which baffles the gun owners and enthusiasts over at r/Guns.

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Reddit's Gun Community Takes Aim at 'Novice' Over-Militarized Police in Ferguson
Written by Brian Merchant
Senior Editor
August 14, 2014 // 04:00 PM EST
The photo above, which features a camouflaged police officer sitting atop a mine-resistant armored truck in Ferguson, Missouri, with a decked-out rifle, has been widely circulated as evidence of how militarized the American police force has become. To the trained eye, it's also suggestive of how poorly prepared those police are to be militarized.
Reddit's gun aficionados are pointing out that the rifle is so loaded with conflicting gadgets—a flashlight, "red dot" sight, bipod—that it demonstrates that the officer probably isn't very familiar with using it. One user, who owns two similar weapons, called it a "novice" setup. Others called it "goofy," "HORRIBLE," and a "waste of taxpayer dollars." It's also part of a trend—many of the rifles being used in Ferguson have the same setup, which baffles the gun owners and enthusiasts over at r/Guns.

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