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Connect The Dots

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  • Connect The Dots

    Chief among the spec*u*la*tion regard*ing Owen Ellington’s depar*ture is.

    1) The Americans took his Visa because of associations.

    2) That Ellington fell out of favor with Portia. Imagine that.images (2)

    3) The Americans wanted Ellington gone because of nag*ging ques*tions of Human Rights abuse and the Americans are unwill*ing to sell arms and ammu*ni*tion to Jamaica as a result.

    Let’s jux*ta*pose the lat*ter with the new call from cer*tain quar*ters in civil soci*ety and the Media , chiefly The Gleaner’s Editorial page to look over*seas for a Commissioner.

    First lets put things in con*text. America has no moral author*ity to lec*ture any Country about Human Rights. Every day black and brown peo*ple are killed and abused by law enforce*ment offi*cers all across America with*out a whis*per from the Federal Government.

    Now it would be a major irony if the Americans called for Ellington’s head when it was they who called for the extra*di*tion of Christopher Dudus Coke.

    If the Americans believed that it was easy to get Coke, surely they could have vol*un*teered to go get him them*selves. They were far bet*ter equipped to remove him with min*i*mum col*lat*eral dam*age. Yes col*lat*eral dam*age , it was a war.

    How then could they demand the Commissioner’s head for doing exactly what they wanted?

    Lets give cre*dence to the nar*ra*tive that it was nag*ging Human Rights alle*ga*tions which pre*cip*i*tated Jamaica’s inter*na*tional Partners (America & England) alleged demand for Ellington’s head. How could that demand be legit*i*mate in light of Ellington“s body of work in root*ing out cor*rup*tion and abuse from the JCF? Experts and non-​experts alike will argue Owen Ellington has been the best Commissioner of Police in mod*ern times.

    If this is cor*rect, both Ellington and the coun*try has Carolyn Gomes to thank for the defam*ing of our Countrty. This in addi*tion to cor*rupt*ing young peo*ple with counter-​culture teach*ings and lit*er*a*ture, which were once alien to our Nation.

    If there is truth to the alle*ga*tions America and Britain had some*thing to do with Ellington’s depar*ture, then the push by some in soci*ety to get a Commissioner from over*seas plays directly into the plans Carolyn Gomes and Susan Goffe laid, using a gullible and naïve Ellington in the process toward remov*ing Police pow*ers from Jamaicans.

    We did warn about this for a long time.

    We did ask what did these for*eign Governments want for the money they gave to Gomes?

    We did ask for account*abil*ity. We did warn that once the Police were demor*al*ized they would bring in for*eign cops. They have, and they want to bring in a cop to head the Department.

    I did warn they would do these things in these very blogs. The Homosexual Agenda demands total acqui*es*cence and capit*u*la*tion of our cul*ture. There has been numer*ous alle*ga*tions that Jamaican cops are not help*ful to gays. Commissioner Ellington granted a per*mit for the Churches to rally against a Gay Jamaican counter-​culture. A few days later he was gone, now they want for*eign*ers to head our Police Force.

    Failing to con*nect the dots will com*pletely over*whelm our culture.

    "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

    "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.

  • #2
    Agree with some points and disagree with others.
    Sure the US lacks moral authority on that particular issue(yuh tink de great UN can halt the weapon shipments to Israel)but for all intents and purposes,they are wrong on that issue but right on our issue.
    Elli haul a$$ out if office and it was shocking to insiders.What did his abrupt resignation achieved? I would argue the postponement of telling revelations,we really should wait a tad bit longer...
    The manner in which the TG incursion was executed is troubling,because of the large volume of security personnels involved, there was a flaw in establishing an appropriate chain of authority.It was designed that way because murdering the youths was pivotal.
    It puzzles me how in a police force that is infamous for extrajudicial killings,no clear strategy is evident of the head addressing that issue.Police has a greater chance to go to prison for faaar lesser infractions such as taxing traffic violators than for murder.
    The commisioner that encouraged the resignation of Laing showed initive,where is Elli's?


    • #3
      Dont agree with the agenda slant, more overkill to put them on the heel or further on it .I wouldnt be surprised that his resignation is nothing more than a clash of personalities from a man that doesnt put up with nonsense, such has been his stewardship, cant say the same for Bunting.

      "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

      "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.

