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Hopewell High School in Hanover

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  • #16
    Now I Can Agree With You!

    Originally posted by Islandman View Post
    Actually I was referring more specifically to the yappers at Hopewell, but also making the point that it was quite typical of us Jamaicans with all challenges that we face, home and abroad. Hence reference to "we".
    Islandman, I’m happy you took the time to explain, as now I fully understand what you meant. In fact, I am forced to fully agree with everything you have said in your post immediately above.

    We have never met, but you are someone who, over the years, I’ve come to develop a tremendous amount of respect for (you would probably be surprised at how high this regard is). In fact, regardless of topic, I ALWAYS make it a point to read whatever it is that you post.

    Looking specifically at the case of Hopewell High School, though, it’s difficult to imagine what change someone living abroad can bring about. To make matters worse are the unresolved corruption allegations, thereby making it difficult to convince those who can to make material contributions. Personally speaking, I feel nothing but anger and contempt at what has been allowed to continue unchecked at that school, including the academic results. Now, this is a classic case of administrators who should be removed immediately. The technocrats at the Ministry of Education, also, should bear a large share of the responsibility: it’s not as if they were unaware of the situation.

    Good post, sir.

    PS. There are people on this forum who, in various small ways, give back to our country. It’s just that these are private, deeply personal actions which, at least in my specific case, will never ever be discussed or hinted at on a public forum.


    • #17
      Thanks for the kind words boss. Much appreciated.

      Yes I agree that in the case of Hopewell that would best be an issue for the school community to deal with. Lets not forget however that school alumni organizations can be a powerful force in a school community, and some of the most active Jamaican alumni groups are based outside of Jamaica. I don't know if Hopewell has such an active alumni. I think it is fair to say that the traditional high schools are more established in this area for various reasons.

      Also let me clarify that I was in no way singling out you or anybody else individually with my comments. They were general in nature based on my experience working on various projects relevant to Jamaica and Jamaicans. It is frustrating at times but as Chronixx says, there aint no giving in.

      Last edited by Islandman; July 7, 2014, 10:23 AM.
      "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


      • #18
        I was recently told that many successful Jakan athletes want to help their respective alma maters, BUT the principals of the said schools are demanding fish heads in order to accept the help. they are demanding their cut first or no access granted to help the kids.

        This from a VERY reliable source.


        • #19
          I Wish I Didn’t Learn Of This (Just Now)!

          Originally posted by Willi View Post
          I was recently told that many successful Jakan athletes want to help their respective alma maters, BUT the principals of the said schools are demanding fish heads in order to accept the help. they are demanding their cut first or no access granted to help the kids.

          This from a VERY reliable source.
          Again, I refer you to Renato Adams’ statement about Jamaicans. Of course, the last time I referred to this particular statement made by Adams, Mosiah hit back with an uncalled for comment.

          But, is it just likely that Adams was talking the truth?


          • #20
            Islandman, it's a new school, I doubt if they have an alumni group. It is set upon this hill side halfway between Old Steamer Beach and Flint River, perfect setting for hanky panky, away from the community.


            • #21
              Ok, I hear you.
              "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


              • #22
                Originally posted by Historian View Post
                Again, I refer you to Renato Adams’ statement about Jamaicans. Of course, the last time I referred to this particular statement made by Adams, Mosiah hit back with an uncalled for comment.

                But, is it just likely that Adams was talking the truth?

                Heh heh! That's a nice way to say Mosiah wrenk and outtaordah!

                A luv it!

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #23
                  I would put the blame square at the feet of parents. If parents are not involved in their kids lives, then anything goes at school. We cannot expect administrators to be very effective in managing these kids if the parents are not involved, attending parent/teachers meetings and figuring out a way to get a handle on the problem.

                  Administrators should not be expected to go it alone with these unruly kids. And no, I am not a teacher.
                  "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


                  • #24
                    It is a team effort. Yes parents are ultimately responsible for their children but attending school is not just about academics, it is supposed to provide a structured environment for young people to learn about discipline, hard work, etc. For some students school is the only place such a structure exists.

                    Just the reality.
                    "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Willi View Post
                      I was recently told that many successful Jakan athletes want to help their respective alma maters, BUT the principals of the said schools are demanding fish heads in order to accept the help. they are demanding their cut first or no access granted to help the kids.

                      This from a VERY reliable source.
                      Me go through similar monkey obstacles too. It reached the point, where I just identify some kids and one leader of the pack and work directly with them. I have no dealings with School Administrators anymore. And it is working fine for me!

                      Less swearing and frustration for my head
                      Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                      - Langston Hughes


                      • #26
                        Very true Islandman. Too many parents and guardians never visit a school, no PTA meeting. Their presence is felt, when graduation time come, so they can turn like dress puss!
                        Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                        - Langston Hughes


                        • #27
                          LOL. It can test you patience fe true but you just have to make up you mind that you that you doing it for the students.

                          I have had success working directly with the dept heads but I got myself in trouble one time for bypassing the "standard procedure".
                          "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                          • #28

                            All who never engaged in 'romantic interludes' while in high school please raise your hand?

                            Oooh your partner may or may not have been a member of your school...but were you a virgin when your left high school?

                            No I did not wish for confessions! What I am saying is, the first thing we should do if we were so inclined is to rid ourselves of any notion that the kids are out of control merely because they were engaged in these 'romantic interludes'. When we are in the place were we do not condemn the kids then the thoughts must be on solutions.

                            What is the problem?
                            a) Breakdown of discipline? ...or is that a symptom of the problem?

                            b) I think the real problem is the broad 'failing school'.

                            c) Sure "b" above is within the broader reality of 'poor education system'=a general 'awful results/outcomes' for the entire island.

                            How do we solve the problem at Hopewell High School? ...how to get from 'so-suh talk' to solution(s)?
                            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                            • #29
                              .. and seeing that I have a low tolerance level for foolishness ... I just do it MY WAY!! If Administration nuh like it, too bad.

                              Couple months ago, a few of us sent some money to help out the track coach with a project he was working on. Big top man on campus, ask my school bredren if he gave the money to the Bursar. My bredren told him plain and straight that alumni sent their $$ for a specific purpose and NO he did not give it to the Bursar. Not one damn red cent will go through her!
                              Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                              - Langston Hughes

